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With the revision of the Pixiv terms and conditions, prohibited products were specifically presented. Therefore, I will delete what I think falls under it by the revision date of the 15th (I don't think there are that much about my own work…).

So, if you have a work that you want to keep at hand, I recommend that you download it now. Or I'll leave the work as it is in Fantia, so if the work you want is lost in FANBOX, please download it from Fantia.




Is Mitari no Sono a part of it or is that series safe?🙂


I think “Mitari no Sono” is safe. If Pixiv restricts it, I”ll post it on another site.


ナッシュさんの作品で引っかかる品って、無いと思うけどな…。 禁止商品は実写等ヤバそう(違法性、犯罪性含む)なやつ、要修正商品は表現方法や内容を運営の匙加減で判断して、違法性高そうもしくはえげつない内容だから修正して!みたいなやつ。 禁止商品に引っかかるのは確実に0だと思うから 要修正商品の対処内容見るに15日以降運営がなんか言ってきたら対応、くらいで良いと思う。頑張って!


Would it be possible for your to wait and see, just in case pixiv doesn't target any of your works? Like say the moment they report one of your works, you can then act and delete them otherwise not do so... I'm just being optimistic in case pixiv is truly targeting illegal real life works and not CG/Fictional works... Sorry if this is a bother, just want to make sure you don't delete something that pixiv wasn't planning on taking action against at all ha...

