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Hello everyone!

I went to the hospital first thing in the morning today, so I was rattled! 🏥✨

By the way, everyone, please watch this video.

Yes, this video we released the other day.

There are a lot of empty energy drink cans lying around.

These are not energy drinks.

They are actually alcoholic beverages.

The appearance of alcohol has been replaced with energy drinks.

I can't drink energy drinks because I have a caffeine sensitivity that makes breathing difficult.

Today I overslept and forgot to hydrate, so I had no choice but to buy a drink from the vending machine.

I bought a café latte to try, but I regret it as I got a stuffy nose, dry mouth, and irritated throat at the same time.

It will probably stay like this for the rest of the day. It's painful😨.

As for why the alcohol looks like an energy drink, it's an image problem lol.

My body and appearance are so young that I thought beer and alcohol might not fit my image, so I have converted the appearance of alcohol to energy drinks in my videos.

So, if you see energy drinks in my videos in the future, please assume they are alcohol.

By the way, this time I got a beer coupon from my parents' house, so I have a lot of beer in my fridge. 🍺🍺🍺🍺

I don't drink alcohol at all, so I haven't had a drink in a while.

I see, it makes you feel better 🫠.

You all should drink alcohol in moderation 🍺.

Well! Today, as I tweeted yesterday, I found my notes (for 3 days) from when I debuted on Twitter, so I'd like to look back on those days while making them public!

It looks like I wrote it down as a record of my activities rather than a diary, so the sentences are objective or something.


Day 1

I post the video but no one finds it.

Because the video was search-banned by Twitter.

Not knowing that, I was depressed because I thought that my video was not seen by anyone.



This looks like I'm writing this, maybe a little later, and remembering.

I have been suffering from this problem of tweets not showing up (tweets being search-banned) for a long time.

I've written more about this issue in this post if you'd like to read it!


Yes, did we show the OP video first? I don't remember much and may have deleted the tweet right away.

I was curious about this and asked Rin-chan to look it up later, but I remember being very sad because I couldn't even find the account or find the tweets when I searched for "RinRinne".

'How am I supposed to get people to see me in this state?' I thought.


Day 2

Kamioka Keiro followed me, but I was too scared to talk to him


This was my first follower and I was so excited to see him that I looked into his account, but I couldn't talk to him because he was a guy and the atmosphere was kind of scary (totally my assumption, sorry 💦).

I was not used to Twitter to begin with and was afraid to talk to anyone 💦

I had no experience talking to people online 😵💫

I was doing a lot of things, like deleting my first tweet because I kept making typos.

I was so nervous that every time I used Twitter I was drenched in sweat😨


I notice that I am not listed in the search, but I am at my wits' end

I'll tweet goodnight for now, and have a pretty picture ready for tomorrow's good morning tweet, hoping to get a mention!

Day 2

But no one saw it.

For some reason, I notice that I am banned when I post images and videos.

I am shocked to find out that my tweets so far are meaningless, as I had been working so hard on them.

I was so shocked that I deleted all my image tweets.

I contact Twitter management. (There was no reply.)


(There was no reply) ←LOL

The date of the note on day 3 is the current date, but I edited it by mistake and the date has been updated.

Normal tweets are listed in the search, but I was devastated to find out that all the images and videos I put a lot of effort into were search-banned and meaningless 😨

Looking back on it now, I wonder how people can gain recognition and followers from such a situation....

Everyone is trying their best to send out messages, and newcomers are helping each other to steadily grow.

I envy those who debut with a famous agency or company because they are highly recognized and popular right from the start 🥺

But I am sure that everyone who works as an individual makes that much effort and goes through trial and error, so it will all be for their own good, and I am sure that even the famous painters today have all worked hard from scratch as individuals....

When I think about it, I respect everyone who works hard as an individual 🫡

I'd love to see what it was like when these very famous people first started out! Even these famous people started out like this! I think it would give me courage to work harder🔥


I was happy when I followed someone who liked me and they followed me back.

This made me happy, so I replied back for a while.

The trigger was Haku Yugen, who was also a new Vtuber, and I followed her because she was cute.

Everyone else was nice, too.

I wasn't sure if posting images would work properly without getting banned, so I took a selfie to try it out.

I was a little confident.

But still no response at all.

Someone named sasapan retweeted it, but no response from there.

I lost confidence and became apathetic.

I started thinking about drawing illustrations of famous VTubers and posting them.

However, I had a blank on drawing pictures and had no confidence.

Rin said, 'Let's just work on it now! but I couldn't do anything else that day.


Rin's comment is so raw - lol!

You can see how depressed I was 😰

I guess I thought that 'I was confident' because no one else was doing what I was doing, so they would see it as a rarity.

But I always tell myself that 'nothing is as it seems' and I can usually get back on my feet the next day 💪🏻✨

At first, I thought if it didn't work out, I would quit after a year or so lol.

It's thanks to all of you who support me that I was able to keep going 🥹✨

By the way, after that, I posted a certain illustration with a tag on it, which spread and got more followers, which gave me a chance.

By the way, I have already deleted that illustration.

I don't like my drawings; after a week or so I start to notice things and I hate looking at them.

I consider this as 'expiration date of the picture'. In my case, it's usually about a week. And they are still fresh.

Actually, I grew up drawing pictures all the time since I was a child.

But now, on the contrary, I don't draw anymore.

I don't have the energy to paint anymore. I had a lot of setbacks.

So I thought, 'Oh, I don't genuinely want to paint anymore.

But recently, I have been thinking about trying to paint. I think I might try painting as a part of my activities. I wonder if I would enjoy drawing if I did that.

No, I still don't think I could do it...

But if you do, please give me a like and a RT, lol.

So, this time, I introduced my notes from the time of my debut!

Sorry again for updating Fanbox at the end of the month💦

I'll update new photos in the gallery if I can get to it now💦

Well then, everyone, I'll be working hard again next month~!

Bye bye~~.




振り返りをみると「努力が実を結ぶ」を体現してて凄いなぁって… りんねさんの絵を拝見できたらボクも努力します🥺


ここから1年でyoutube4.8万人、twitter7.4万人、Instagram3.7万人、TikTok26.4万人、bilibili5.7万人に上り詰めたのほんと凄い これからのりんねさんがどこまで行くのか見届けたいですね👀


自分はもう必死だったせいかこの一年が一瞬すぎて… こうやって振り返ると、一年前はまだここにいる誰にも会ってないんだな〜と思うと感慨深いです🥹 わかりました〜笑



初期のアイコンを見て懐かしいな〜と呟くなどして、古参ぶっている今日この頃 営業モードのお上品なりんねさんもなんだか懐かしく感じてしまうのは何故 何がきっかけで多くの人に見てもらえるか、100年くらいツイッターしているけれど未だにわからない❗️ りんねさんはその辺りを紐解いてくれると信じて今日も推し活するのです


え!?今もお上品じゃありませんか??💦 きっかけはよくわからないですよね〜!インスタもTikTokも急に伸びたじゃと思えば反応薄かったりでよくわかりません💦 どのSNSさんもツンデレ! YouTubeくんだけはずっと冷たいです。