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I tried to add an English translation for the first time in a long time.

The last one is here (https://twitter.com/retasu_zasso/status/1287004513035935746?s=21)

I can't speak English because I'm Japanese, but I hope overseas fans will enjoy it.

I'm new to it, but I tried again. I hope you can understand the contents even a little.

The text uses Google Translate, etc.

Please feel free to comment if you have any comments such as "This expression is good!"





twitter post: 1287004513035935746

『Tita want to make love with Jiro.』14p R-18


Jiro "zzz..."

Mao "No, Tita-kun. If you force Jiro-kun to do it"

Tita "Sorry, I'll teach you how to lick Jiro's favorite next time."


Mao "Really?"

Jiro "zzz..."

You're asleep without realizing it.

___The end___





(これは機械翻訳です。わかりにくかったらごめんなさい。🙇‍♂️) 私としては、表現が良いと思います! 物語の全体像や、それぞれの文章の意味を理解することができます! 効果音がとてもいいです。欠点は見当たりません。唯一改善すべき点は、代名詞(I/me, you, he/him, she/her)です。ほとんどの翻訳は正しい文脈で行われていますが、代名詞の性別が正しい場所にありません。ほとんどの機械翻訳者は、文中の人の性別を知らないのです)。男性の場合は、「he 」と 「him」と 「his」、女性の場合は、「she 」と 「her 」と 「her 」となっています。(Ex. 「Her 」proposal made me feel like that. -> 「His」proposal made me feel like that.) 良い言語翻訳機をお勧めします。それは「DeepL」というものです。これは、Google Translatorよりも良い文脈で翻訳することができ、長いメッセージにも対応しています。 (https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator) 私は英語のネイティブスピーカーではないので、あまりお役に立てませんでした。これは私の意見です。少しでも参考になれば幸いです! お疲れ様でした! 🙏✨


Thanks again, nakimayo! I've learned a few things from the internet! It makes me very happy to hear you say that! It's hard to express myself in Japanese and English. There are some expressions that don't exist in each language, so I went through trial and error. I was actually trying Deepl after seeing your tweet! It was fun to translate it. In Japanese, there are few expressions to call "he" or "she" and I wrote the name, but it's nicer that way, isn't it?I'm learning a lot! One thing I'm curious about is which is the correct sound effect? I'm curious about the uppercase and lowercase expressions.For example... "throb throb" and "throb throb". I'm tempted to translate other works as well, but it's still time consuming since I'm not used to it.


大文字の効果音は、通常、音の強い感じを表現し、小文字は反対に、音の弱い感じを表現します。throb throb」であれば、その強さに応じて大文字でも小文字でもOKです! "THROB THROB "は大きくて強い音を、"throb throb "は小さくてマイルドな音を表現します! たとえ英語でなくても、あなたの作品には感謝しています。くれぐれも無理をしないでくださいね。幸運を祈っています!🙏✨


Thank you nekomayo. I'm sorry for the late reply.🥺✨ I see, loud and quiet, very easy to understand! It's true that explosions are often capitalized! I've learned a lot.✍️☺️✨ I've been receiving messages from you, as well as from people overseas, via pixiv messages, tweets, and Google Forms. I'm thinking that it would be great if those people could enjoy it too. I have been doing a lot of manga lately, so your comment gave me courage. It gives me confidence. 💕


I love your work! I am Australian and have enjoyed your art for a while. English translation was unexpected, and made me happy! The translation is quite good. Keep it up! Jiro-san is so sexy :3


Thank you! It was a very nice message. ☺️💕 I'm glad I was able to bring the comic to you. I'm still getting used to some things. I would like to challenge myself little by little. Tita and Jiro are good friends. I don't have an English text, but I am good friends with another person, Mao. I look forward to working with the Shark Dragons!


How about this blue dragon having sex with your red dragon? They look really good and really hot to me. :-)


I have followed you a long time and today support you for fanbox,the translate is very good! I can't understand the other picture but only see that can let me happy


Thank you for the translation ❤


A blue dragon and a red dragon? I hadn't thought of that. That's interesting ☺️✨. They often go out for drinks. I've been drawing a combination of red and white for a few years now. The shark dragons were a new character born last year. But I'm glad you like both of them!


Thank you. It's encouraging to hear you say that!😭✨💕 I can't do it often because I'm doing both painting and translation by myself. I'd love to translate again if I get the chance! Thank you for your message!


Translation takes time, but it was a lot of fun! I hope you got the message. I hope to do it again. Thank you!☺️💕