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Another small update with another service of Chiko doing a blowjob.

The project goes really slow because I 'm working on other bigger projects that are way more interesting in my opinion. Since I didn't see people really liking this one I decided to make it way more basic than I planned. I just refuse to not complete it lol. I will definatly complete it but slower

Other projects

Right now I work on many things and I try to calm the fuck down and find a correct order to work on them in a more efficient way so I will be able to release them! The first priority has the "Sauna with mom part 2". I want to definatly finish this before I release anything else.

It's been a while since I realsed a scene with Chiko so I was thinking of making Chiko's Training, either bonus episode or a second episode in general. Because I had so many plans for this series and I never got to do anything. I want to do this now because after that. Here comes a big project

I teased about a fantasy series a while back. Well... It will take more time. Because I am obsessed with the new character I created. For those who don't know. Her name is Amber and I really really want to make a series with her. I think around 4-5 episodes. I have so much content for her and It took me much time to create her personality and likeness. I watched some hentai series and I always get very jealous lol, I want to make something without having the need to make penetration scenes at the end of the episode. Instead, I want to make this a whole series where it will have character development and many many teasing scenes until the final episode where you get everything.

Lastly. The series I love my step sister will have a second episode. I have no idea when. Maybe in between the episodes of the series with Amber who knows. But I wrote a script a while back and never got to make it. I really liked the character and I wanted to make more of her.

Amber Screenshots

Here is the latest version of Amber. I got her even closer to how I had imagine her to be. When I release her first scene. I may find a way to share her character throught Character AI or Novel AI if anyone is interested to "talk" to her.


Um... yeah. This fucking sucks. I have a surgery in 3 days lol. And after that medication for something different. That doesn't mean I stop. That doesnt mean I want a break. That only means that I will go a little slower. But I will not stop. I just want you to know that I didn't got lazy or something.

I hope this time, it works. Even the fact that I can pay for the doctors. It's all you. So thank you very much. You have no idea how much good you do in my life. I will make sure to return it as much as I can!



Report any problems you have and I will fix it as fast as I can. I hope you like it!

And get ready for the new series. I 'm, really excited about it. See you on the next post soon




Hope the surgery goes well and I also hope you won't get a burnout because of the many projects you have planned. I still look forward to every new video and I am really glad to see some new progress for the game ♥️


Thank you very much! I hope it goes well too, mostly what happens after it. Don't worry about a burnout. I try to keep a balance between projects so I will avoid it. Thanks again for your support.


Very hot. Are you gonna add a scene where the customer takes a D in the azz?


Well. It would be possible if I made the character feminine. But it this instance I will not make a scene like that.


Love your content, hoping your surgery goes well!


It’s not letting me download the video to watch I tried all 3 and they said it downloaded but it won’t show the video


Good luck with your surgery! If it's any consolation, I really love your femboy café game, so any effort you put into it is appreciated. Chiko is above and beyond my favorite character of yours. Looking forward to future works!


Hope surgery goes well! Also if i may ask: When do you think "Sauna with mom part 2" will release? Not to put pressure on you or anything. (btw great game aswell!)


This is what I am working on right now. I have no idea though. The surgery was a success though and I will be able to keep working from today and on. So at least I can guarantee that I can keep continue working on it. But I think the next week it will be released.