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Short answer

No I am not actually dying(yet). I just need a break. I worked nonstop since August. I haven't stop don't worry. I just need time to rest

Long answer

I will address some things I am currently facing. I was planning to make this post only for the fans, so it is more possible for people to care I guess. But then I thought that everyone needs to know what it's happening before they would pay for any subscription

After many nights of alcohol and many many many attempts of making something new. I think it's time to do this. I need a break. For those that have been here from the start. You know I have been working non stop from August. The reason I need a break however is not that I am tired.

I am so fucking broken right now, mentally. I try to go back to my work but I can't. I haven't felt this kind of pain for years.. I am watching at the animations I made, the characters etc and... I just .. feel so depressed so sad. Every story I made, or any other hentai artist I am watching, it 's just makes me depressed.

After all the comments and the private messages you send me. I am really happy to give you something you like like. But seriously... I can't take this. At least, not now. I need a break. It may be one week, or one month. Of course I will give you updates (while deleting the old ones of course).

Now. for the subscription part. At least I was able to make the episode with "sauna with mom". I promise you, I will try my hardest to make something for the other tiers. But I can't guarantee anything of course.

I will get back I promise. And this promise is not for you but for me as well. I will not let this shit defeat me.



Enjoy your break bro


Our boy found jesus and is now disgusted by his own work now. Damn well it was a good run bois.


Lol. Don't worry. It has nothing to do with that. It's just 2 people inside me struggling basically. I have no intension to stop making hentai. Hentai was always a part of my life.

Lost Cosmonaut

Take all the time you need my friend. Artist fatigue is a real thing and I’ve seen many artist go on hiatus for their mental health. Enjoy your time off, we’ll be here when you get back 👍🏻.


Take ur time, as always don't work yourself to death. Take breaks when you want.


Love your work, please take time to rest, we will patiently await your return :)


You deserve a break, and you deserve happiness. Take as long as you need.


Enjoy your vacation dude. Also as a suggestion instead of deleting your old work maybe you can put them in a Mega to share the fans. Once again you're long vacation and be safe.


Of course I will not delete my old work. All series, characters etc will stay the same and my old animations always accessible. I will not change anything on the channel. I just need time to get better. Loneliness is.. quite painful I guess. Thanks for your comment. I wish I will get back soon.


I really hope I deserve happiness my friend. Thanks for your comment.


chill dude; take your time, health first, dont worry about suscription


Never let your work take over your life. I know what that's like. Take your time and relax. You've more than earned it.


Take your time Man,and dont drink too much alcohol can make u feel even lonely sometimes. But its ok we are here to support you and fap to your content! I...idk😑


Don't overload yourself, rest and come back refreshed, you've already given us a lot of content and I'm sure you can keep improving


We are ahh... only a gay couple from Poland (Gracjan and Kacper here :* ) but we love your work and everything you gave us. Take your time, take your life in your hands, don't let addictions ruin it. Just chill out and maybe make friends, start traveling. One Travel saved my life when in new City I met my boy (Gracjan)who saved me from suicide when I was addicted to drugs after hard time in my life so I know how it feels to be really broken... Love and People, those 2 things in life can always save you, brother. I hope this little story can help you somehow. We wish you much luck and a comfortable, good life and doing what you love. Remember, you are valuable and important person and nothing will change it!


Thankfully I am getting better. It's a good thing I have many people around that care. This helps a lot. The loneliness part is the other part that can't be filled with friends and family. And the animations I am doing aren't helping really. But I am getting over it. I 'm happy for you. You found someone at a very difficult time of your life. This is what I wish right now for me. Also really glad you like my work. Have a nice day.


Agree with others, focus on yourself man ;)