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For those who follow me on twitter. Yes, I changed the story again! (...I 'm not to be trusted with planning anything I guess)

Generally, the animations I do for this tier are smaller of course. But this gives me the time to make more creative stuff and prepare for my bigger animations. So many new ideas I had and made(I will use all the loops I made so far so don't worry). And so I ended up with something I never planned.

I started with a threesome scene with Chiko and his friends. I wanted something simple with no dialogue, only raw sex. But it turned out to be something more than that. I still think it would be better to not have any dialogue there, maybe some. But the setup and the animation turned out so good that I want to have time to make it even better. So what I did? I started to make a simple Chiko and a futa Teacher. After many hours of animating and thinking that I am close on finishing the project, I decided to swap some characters. I always do that before I stop for the day. When I switched to Shun, I really like it, and different scenarios started to emerge. In the end, You have Shun and Sakiko dominated by a Futa.(I have already said that but just to be sure. All my characters are 18+ years old)

Another thing I want to address is the sound. This time I decided to not add moaning. When I make a scene and then add sound, for some reason I think it makes it worst. Maybe it's just me. So I tried to add the rest of the sfx without the moaning.

I made attempts with sound in recent past. Three months before I hired a voice actor for a remake of "mother's surprise" and it didn't go well... so I decided to not release it. So I 'm stuck with the voices of koikatsu for now, and I don't know if you guys like it or not. so tell me your thoughts about it. You prefer the videos with voices or not?

In the future when I have the budget I will try again with voice acting, but for now I 'm stuck with koikatsu's voices.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I hope you like the scene. See you on the next post.




Lost Cosmonaut

I personally prefer voice acting + sound. The current dialogue and sound is fine but I think voice acting can enhance your videos. It’s your decision whether you’re comfortable working with VA’s in the future.


Of course. Voice acting makes a scene much better. My problem is that I haven't found a VA to work with yet. I tried one 3 months ago. I still have the files and the video. I just didn't released it because I don't think it's very good. Maybe I will release it for the enthusiasts but I still don't know if it's good enough. The direction and the mood of the voice is totally different from what I wanted, plus the voice didn't matched the actions of the characters. So before I try again with a different voice actor I want to have a budget to make something better. As for the moaning sounds I already have. I will upload a version with moaning as well really soon. Thanks for your feedback.

Guy who talks

We gonna count this as NTR? Good video tho. Hope to get VA's in the future


lol the scene is so messed up that I have no idea. I think it's NTR+


Nothing, just a bad joke I made. Something like, ntr and then something more.