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This illustration is a translated version of "Skeb Request" posted on December 19, 2022★

Mr. Hermit who made the request, Mr. Dosh who translated,

thank you very much! (*≧∀≦*)

I will copy and paste the request text.

I hope I didn't get the purpose wrong... (sweat)

***[Full text of the request]***********************

People Red, Pink, and Hakase from Bukkake Sentai

Outfit Pink and Hakase Bondage

In a dungeon-like room, Hakase restrains Red in order to check the durability of Red's flesh, and Pink also participates in the role of whipping. Red is naked with both hands hanging by chains, and both feet are also fixed to the floor by chains.

Pink whips him with a single whip and he looks painful, but he has an erection.

Hakase "Takeru-kun, have you given up yet? It's surprisingly pathetic. Look, you still have a long way to go. Please endure it."

Pink: "The reason why I'm dating you in such an outfit isn't to please you, so are you happy to be whipped? If so, I'll make it even tougher for you, so prepare yourself."

Exchange verbal blame.




こんばんわ。 何かと忙しい年末ですが・・・今月もリクエストとご依頼でぎゅうぎゅうになってしまいxx未だに経理のお仕事もできてないし、今月は漫画も全く描けなくて無念です(><) 来月はちょっとリクエストはお休みしようかな…。 でないとマジで経理がヤバイ!ww あと、正直マンガ描きたいので・・・( ˊᵕˋ ;) ...



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