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Hello all :). I will be posting my animations and images here soon ^^. If you decide to support me early thank you so very much! ^_^. I work on loli Hentai for fun and will release something I worked on every once in a long while ^^. I mainly love loli but may include other ages also :). Thank you for your support! And yes. I Iove Haruka ^^



Finally found someone who loves haruka as much as i do!


I love Haruka too, I’m so happy! Do you plan to posting animation of Haruka from Yakuza 3,4,5,6?

Kohai Lick Me

Glad to have you :)! I am thinking about it ^^. I do really like Haruka from Y3 and Y4 also :).


Really? That would be great! Thanks you so much, you make me really happy because I love especially Haruka from Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4.


Hi, are you interested in opening a patreon too? because it is quite difficult for some in the west to pay in yen.

Kohai Lick Me

Interesting suggestion. I will look into them and other services and find something suitable for the west ^_^. Thank you for letting me know :)

Kohai Lick Me

Thank you again for the suggestion :). I started a Subscribestar also and currently undergoing approval ^_^