Animation Progress and Free Demo Loop (Pixiv Fanbox)
I managed to get Gwen into Blender with her geografts and skin properly. I had to use a different importer (sorry Daz, your own one is shit) Even managed to get a few mophs in - but these are the DAZ out-of-the-box ones, and not some of the required ones, like vagina mophs and better boob ones. Still, it meant I at least had greater control of the figure - but not IK. IK's needed for allowing bones to follow eachother, and until I can figure that out, I need to pose each bone as required. Eurgh.
He's a Blender static render of Gwen. Waaay faster than DAZ.
I even had to censor it a bit, so if you want that barely visible pussy, grab the link below:
embed: files.catbox.moeThe Animation
So because I need to sit down and figure out morphs, I figured I'd do a doggy animation, so you can't actually see penetration - just the illusion of it. This way, I can practice the motion, and still get some facial expressions in.
I do really want to figure out gravity and apply that to things like hair, breasts and (never imagined I'd type this) balls. So that I don't have to do it manually. What you'll also probably notice (at least on the last one) is that the boobs moving makes sense if it was the very first thrust, but once it loops, it needs to better connect.
I still have the desire to take another look at it, and refine. I'll also add in at least another camera angle and stitch together. Because in the time It takes me to render these 60 frames (last one) DAZ would have done about 2-3 images. Sooooo...
First attempt was more trying to refine what the motion is. Essentially going from one pose to another. It helped to render out to see how "snappy" it felt, as you don't really get that when you're scrubbing through it.
embed: files.catbox.moeThe second one was about removing some of the snappy-ness again. I also dropped his shirt as you'll see above (and below) that clothing doesn't really try to move with the character. I need to figure out smoothing.
embed: files.catbox.moeThis last one is where it's at right now. As I said before, I want to the boobs, as well as the neck to feel part of a bigger motion, rather than one loop. Gwen's pausing too much between thrusts, which is because I wanted to do a knock-on effect. If you want to see only the "result" this is the one.
embed: files.catbox.moeOther Characters
Obviously you saw Martin there, who came across just fine. I also tried to get Chrissy over, but the boob-graft she has bescially turned her into a grey mud-rat. So need to have a good think about that.
Sarah, on the other hand, came over just fine. As you can see, clothing is a really issue without smoothing. So I really need to work that out, otherwise my characters will always be naked - which is a tad boring.
So for those of you still with me, I still need to:
- figure out morphs and choosing which to come over
- apply IK to a figure
- apply weight to a figure to allow for gravity
- understand how to work with smoothing
- bring over an environment and set up lighting to see render speeds
- work with Chrissy more
Once I refine the animation to the point I'm happy, I'll re-release it, and then attempt a BJ one with those two. Still, I hope you liked the animation and seeing the progress. Please let me know your thoughts!