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Hello everyone.

First of all, thank you all for your support. I appreciate everyone that has subscribed to this fanbox page, new fans, old fans, and those who supported me for 1 or 2 months. You are all appreciated. For this reason, I want to be able to reciprocate your support and deliver content that makes everyone happy. Recently, this feeling led me to check this old post:

Questions for you

Hello everyone. I hope you have liked my posts so far, even though I've been late a few times. I was a bit curious about what you would like to see in the future, so I can try to implement it in future drawings. So the questions are - Which one of my posts is your favorite so far? - What characte...

While it was difficult to follow very specific ideas that everyone suggested but I gave some a try. Among them, drawings of franchises like Pokemon, Fire Emblem, or different formats like comics and adding a bit of dialogue. I also started to draw a bit lewder things than usual, still within my comfort zone. Still, this has not been enough to cover all the ideas in the comments, which is why I thought of an idea to do that.

Next fanbox content

Sometimes it is difficult to draw characters that I am not that familiar with, and other times I just decide to draw a character that recently caught my interest, which is why I have not been able to fullfill every request in your comments. This is why I thought of doing a series of sketches of recurrent suggestions in your comments, mostly focused on trying to cover different franchises or themes. During the next few weeks, I will be posting sketches based on the ideas from that old post.

About requests/commissions

This is also something I wanted to communicate. Many people has messaged me to ask for requests/commissions, and I have declined. The truth is I have been doing commissions for people I know, but on rare occassions, and sometimes as favors, but usually I cannot do that many due to time constraints. I would like to be able to attend to your requests, which is why I have been thinking of a few ideas. I would like to know your thoughts about them:

- I could add a new higher plan for people to request specific ideas for sketches. The quality of the sketches will be the same as the ones you will be seeing during the next few weeks. The problem is that I am not sure how many people will be interested in this, which makes it difficult to predict if I will be able to complete all the requests before the month ends.

- Another option would be opening a few commission slots every month. These would be clean and finished drawings, NOT sketches. I could start with 2 or 3 slots per month. If I consider it manageable, I could increase them in the future. I would like to know your opinions about this idea. EDIT: Since people have been wondering about it, these commissions would be posted here on fanbox for fans to see.

If you have other ideas, feel free to comment too.



Honestly for me, I definitely like more full nude content. For instance, after they're hypnotized they're stripped completely.


I would love to support you through either a higher paying sketch tier or through commissions! Whichever works best for you!


I think a few comm slots a month (and maybe letting the rest of us see the result too) would work nicely.


I like comic ideas to subscribe to and watch. Make it story driven like with Pokémon or other franchises. Also commissions are great too.


I don't have any complaints at all. I'd want you to keep everything sustainable after all! A sketch tier sounds great to me.


Would like to ask another question. Since you will be making sketch more often , will it have comic format for some of them or will it be like the usual sketch you deliver? The sketch you posted just now seems to show the sketch are rather polished :o


Also another thing. Will you post the commision sketch from thr commision tier to fanbox for those who have taken the 500 yen tier?


I find appeal in both clothes and nudity, but I can try to find a better balance in future posts.


In the case of commissions, my intention is that they should be viewable for fans.


I am still working on my comic compositions, trying to improve little by little among other types of content. So maybe in the future I can do longer comics. Thank you for commenting!


I am glad to know you are satisfied with the content so far. Thank you for commenting!


I actually have not thought about how big can the sketch work be, but initially I considered something simple. Maybe restricting it to 2 characters and open the option of small comic pages in the future. Also yes, the idea would be that the commissions should be visible for the 500 yen tier.


It is sad that time is spent on private works that we cannot see because of commissions, but we also understand that it is a necessity to make a living.


Most of them were posted here, among my regular drawings, I just preferred not to say it because I did not want to confuse people about having commissions open publicly. A few others were unrelated to the mc fetish. Still, thank you for understanding!


I mainly enjoy your work overall, Plus I'm not really in a position to commission others

Jim Dang

I love your work! Obviously just a preference for me just, like someone else who posted was more nudity. Despite that, it feels like your direction/style is more modest in it so it’s honestly okay and understandable, and I’ll still support your work either way! I do have a question though. have you ever thought about posting rough sketches, such as spoilers or sneak peeks into upcoming works? Thank you.


That's fine. You being here already means a lot to me. Thank you!


I used to post sneak peeks more often, but sometimes I change many things (or even redraw completely) of some sketches, so some get discarded or strongly modified. I kind of posted a preview of the Hinata (Blue Archive) post as a sketch, but the final result ended up different.


I enjoy all your work so in my opinion either route it's completely fine and I would continue to support


Well... I love your art style. Anything you draw would be considered good at minimum. For franchises / themes I'd like you to draw, I have no preferences. I think you once said that you liked stage hyp***is stuff, but I'm not sure if that's the case now. The point is I want to see you draw something that *you're* truly interested in, and it can't be something that you're doing only because we requested it. I want you take what you like about it and distill it down to its essence. In other words, I'm much more interested in the composition of the piece (and the story it tells) than any specific franchise or theme. I want to see what *you* like so much about hyp***is. As for commissions... I might want to commission something from you again, so I'm in favor of the slots. But you should do whatever is most comfortable for you.