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Welcome everybody to October! Hope everybody is doing great!

For the last few weeks I have been uploading on Thursdays and then on a Friday and/or Saturday. That has worked well and I think I will continue this pattern.

Links to folders have been updated. If something doesn't work please let me know.

I have uploaded 8 to 11 files into the October folders. The extra files are the time-lapses.

A little bit about the commissions.

I completed part 2 of Rough Love Bear, you can see a part of it in the cover of this post.

Redesigning Breading Day 2, we went for a better view ;)

I did a few pose studies for a Halloween illustration, going with poses 9 and 10.

And I also started a five part commission titled Prostitution Den, where little boys are made to perform for their female patreons. That's it for the deebo commissions so far.

I'm also working on personal projects. The new one you will find in the folder is a study of a girl designed in the "Peanut" style. It is a goal of mine to do a Peanut styled cartoon epidode but for adults of course. Just need to advance in animation.

It's going to be a fun month!!

White Hats


Red Hats


Red Hats PLUS





Already looking forward to the Peanut animation :D