Tiki Character Release / ティキキャラ解放 (Pixiv Fanbox)
2021-06-05 04:08:00
This is a remaster of my old Tiki card. She has 7 all-original outfits, with almost every single clothing item and accessory material edited in some way. This is my own personal take on the character, and not particularly faithful to any one official depiction of her. She took a lot of work, and I think this might be my best card yet, so please enjoy.
Please see https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90334611 for preview pictures of every outfit!
NOTE 1: You must have completely updated mods and plugins to use this character. Failure to have plugins like AccSyncState will break this card.
NOTE 2: Outfit slot 2 features a fully-functional hood. To enable/disablethe hood, toggle the bra on or off.