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nice but could be better, the son not caring about the mother is kind of a turn off if you're gonna make incest related stuff


I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. However, this is the kind of relationship these two characters have in my imagination, so this probably won't change, at least when it comes to this series. I do understand if it doesn't interest you, I just want to make sure you know what content to expect from my Fanbox, so you can better choose whether it's worth for you to support me. Whatever you choose, I respect your decision and am grateful anyways.


not that i didn't enjoy it, just mentioning the kid gives off a snotnosed bratty vibe that is a bit of a turn off in this particular case, since it's incest stuff, i wouldn't really give a shit if it was another genre, but if that's your intention then you do you, it's your story after all, there's probaly someone out there for whom this is a huge turn on, idk, i'm just voicing my opinions


Of course, no problem! Still, thank you for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind for different stories later on!