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Nona(8) is coming home from school. She lives in a house in the poor part of town. She notices an expensive looking car outside her house. As she opens the door, she finds her dad talking with an assistant of some sort. "Ah Nona-- you're home early" her father says. "Welcome back" The assistant bows towards Nona. "Look, as I was saying, this isn't the agreed amount.." said Nona's father. "My client hasn't been very satisfied with your wife's services as of late. She's at the end of her mileage." Nona didn't understand what they were talking about, but she has seen this scene a lot lately. Suddenly, a large foreigner with just a towel around his waist walks down the stairs, cutting into the conversation. "It's because no one likes playing with broken toys", shifting his attention to Nona "right, Nona-chan?" Nona recognizes the man, but she had only ever seen him leaving their house. Her father interjects "A-Anyway, ▓▓▓▓▓▓-san, you have to understand.. if I don't get the usual payment, we won't be able to pay this month's rent.." As her father gets more visibly upset, Nona starts to worry. Suddenly the man suggests the unthinkable. "How about you sub in Nona-chan over here?" "W-What are you suggesting?! She's a child!" "She is, but she's not yours, right? Why does it matter? I'll even pay you three times as much for the trouble." The man looks and gestures at his assistant and the assistant takes more money out of the briefcase he had been carrying. "And I paid you for 4 hours and your wife passed out in 3. In reality, you actually owe ME!" Her father turns silent. "How about it? I bet Nona-chan wants to help out her mama and papa too, right?" Nona looks at her father in hopes of him making the strange man go away.. But he had already made up his mind. --- As Nona's father tries leading the foreigner back to the guest room with Nona right behind him, the man completely ignores him and walks up to Nona's bedroom "H-Hey! You can't go in there!" The man opens the door and says "What, are you going to make Nona see the state that your wife is in? Plus, I've always wanted to fuck an elementary schooler in her own room." as he beckons Nona to get in the room. "W-We agreed that no penetration is allowed!" Nona's father says angrily "Yeah, yeah, stop worrying, I won't do anything to scare her." as if to brush him off. He pushes the door closed. The man inhales. "The smell elementary schooler's room is so sweet" he says "I can already feel myself getting hard" "Y-You're one of papa's friends, right? You'll help him, right??" Nona says after finally mustering up the courage to speak. "Ofcourse, no need to worry. I'm going to give you a lot of money as long as you stay quiet and do everything I say, okay?" He sits on Nona's bed and gestures her to come over "Come, Nona-chan, let's get started" Nona reluctantly walks over and sits on the bed with him. He undresses her, and sniffs every piece of clothing that he takes off of her. He pulls down her panties, seeing how beautifully smooth she was. He starts touching her bare skin, licking her arms and legs, and fondling her underdeveloped chest. But even after doing all that, the man notices that she is incredibly docile and innocent. She wasn't showing any sign of disgust or hatred, she just wanted to help her father. But all that translated to the man was that this 8-year old girl will let her do anything he wants. Suddenly feeling a lot more daring, the man pushes Nona down on her back and starts to lick her bare cunny. "Wah- Oji-san..!" Feeling a bit of resistance suddenly come from Nona, the man grabs both her legs and restrains her. There was a lot of struggling and whimpering that sounded through the door, to the point where Nona's father started to feel anxious, but eventually Nona stops resisting and eventually starts letting out noises she has never made before. "T-That tickles..!!" holding onto the man's head that was buried in her croth as if to tell him to keep going. The man slips his tongue inside her and Nona immediately lets out a loud moan. The man felt Nona tighten around his tongue inside her, and her lower half starts to spasm. It was the first time Nona had felt pure ecstacy. "Huh, even a little runt like you can cum, huh?" And upon seeing the face that she made, the man felt as if he had struck gold. Up until this moment, the foreigner had only ever paid and slept with highschool girls and prostitutes. He never expected that taking advantage of an innocent child would be this arousing-- and they hadn't even gone all the way yet. In order to not scare Nona, he concluded that he needed to properly groom and train her so that she becomes addicted to the feeling of having her tight cunny filled up.



I tend to gravitate towards the rougher and more taboo side of hentai, so I really enjoy how dark the whole setup is, seeing the pain of the parents feeding the pleasure the foreigner—and eventually Nona—has. Well-written, I think, because I imagined being in the Oji's position and it got me going as much as him. Can't wait for the next part, and maybe even more stories. I don't often read things that aren't manga, but I'd totally read a whole novella series about Nona.


Cool! Naughty! No problem here she's a 'cartoon character' and 100% fictional even if her story is too real. Another decade might have American girls abused by visiting Chinese businessmen having such fun the way the economy is going.