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Please tell me which character you want me to create in December here or using PM.



Isabelle maybe to hard to made. How about Hatsuho Shinonome?


I also suggest you should consider a secure method when using Fanbox to distribute your characters. (e.g setting key encryption for mega and people should pm you to get the password etc.) there is a lot of fraud around there and sell cards that are not their creation.


I changed to Fanbox to support you because Fanbox charge me less tax than patreon XD


I didn't know that there is a lot of fraud around there. I will take some measures soon. Thank you for reminding me that.


I thought about asking supporters to PM me to get the DL before, but I'm afraid I can't see it for the first time. It may take a long time to send the DL


You don't need to consider the difficulty of character creation. This is what I should consider. XD, I like to create challenging works. If you are my SSS, you just need to send a character you want me to create every month. I will decide my final arrangement by combining the popularity, difficulty, voting results, the Supporting time of whom sending the request and the number of times the request has been selected of this SSS in the past.


And don't expect too much from me to create this character XD, you see, my production capacity is limited.