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OMG, I feel like I haven’t written a weekly report in two hundred years.

Hello GG, Welcome to weekly report!

uh....yes, we have a very, very busy November

Because my first two videos took more than two weeks to make(´・ω・`)

That's why you only saw two videos in all of November...for now

I have so many things to say and I don't know which one to say first

Let's do it one by one ,the first thing I want to talk about is:

"Logitech’s super light mouse is absolutely trash"

I bought this thing for $100

Then its rotary encoder broke after six months.

okay, I just bought the parts and fix it myself to save time

Who knows how long it will take them to get me a new mouse?

Then another six months passed, this time my wheel broke

are you serious??

Bro, there's no way I can buy parts to replace it

and it’s out of warranty

Thanks Logitech :)

another thing

Let’s introduce Solo 9

Because I wrote below the video of Solo 9 that I am very busy

I will write the introduction in the weekly report

so here we are

One thing I mentioned after I finished "Occupational injuries 02" is:

"I suddenly knew how to make some videos that I didn’t know how to make."

Solo 9 is one of them

Basically you won't see too much animation in this video

most of the animated parts are only used to show parts of the dialogue that cannot be shown.

and new ways to insert conversations

Do not use the previous comic-style dialog box

I think the new dialog looks better

and I made 245 images of this scene

this is 245 lines of dialogue

to be honest, this video is more like...

My personal hobby?

I mean...I have no idea this video has anything to do with hentai content(´・ω・`)

I think it's just because I want to

But thanks to the emergence of Solo 9

our dialog is back


Let me tell you more about Solo 9

This is a world line where Kazuma was not hit by a car

"Although he was not actually hit by a car"

So after solo 8, Megumin went to the guild

but she couldn't find anyone willing to team up with her

In fact, this should be a normal thing

Now imagine you are going on an adventure with someone

and this guy's only skill is a nuclear bomb

This guy will definitely blow you and your enemies away

In fact, I doubt how Megumin fought monsters before meeting Kazuma in the original work.

I mean... if you can only attack once and you're paralyzed after you attack....

So actually I am very doubtful about this matter

about her combat ability

Oh, I seem to have forgotten to mention the cover

It's Solo 10

I added a lot of new effects

It should look better than before but...

This is the progress two days ago

I was very happy when I saw that the scene looked better

I want to see if I can get better

But after trying it for two days, I found that it didn’t look any better.

so I changed it back to the way it was two days ago.

that's how you see this image now

uh...actually it should be better because fanbox's image compression is terrible

when I upload pictures to fanbox, I feel the color is too ugly.

so actually the video will look much better

To be honest, I did two days of progress and then there was no progress.

It's really frustrating

or maybe knowing that something isn’t working is also a form of progress?

But as far as the conclusion is concerned, the scene looks better than before

I used new light source technology to make the scene more...


You know, that kind of thing like light and dark

I think I just get bored easily with the same things

To be honest, no one complained about the comic-style dialog boxes before

so I can just do it the same way I did before

But that's boring

You might be okay with going to the same restaurant and ordering the same thing every day (at least I'll do that, They usually know what I'm going to order.)

But if a creator comes up with the same thing every time

I think that would be boring

I mean, of course there are only a few sex positions you can use

but you can’t really not try something new

My friend also told me that solo 9 is a very weird thing

there won’t be a single creator running out to make a 26-minute video

and it has nothing to do with hentai content.

That makes absolutely no sense

But according to the convention of previous videos

there will be some non-hentai content at the beginning of every series

then we will enter the content of hentai

so maybe solo 9 can also be used as this kind of beginning?

but to be honest, future videos may only be 10 minutes at most.

I think 26 minutes is a little too crazy

As for what to do next

I plan to make a few more episodes of the sequel to the previous videos before the lucky draw on 12/25

Probably solo 10 11 12?

Or other series

I will probably make some videos that I didn’t know how to make before.

as for Occupational injuries 03, it will probably be in early January

at least until the end of November and December, I want to focus on the sequel of my work

Too many videos to make but too little time.

I think progress and quality improvement are very important

so I didn't focus on the number of works

sorry for this part I want to play with more girls too

But I don't like using the same techniques over and over again to make videos

so I often spend a lot of time trying more new methods

some ways to make me more efficient, some can improve quality

some of these methods are effective and some are not lol

oh speaking of which, I must thank you all

It’s my first anniversary in FANBOX

My first post is 2022/11/15

actually, I don’t believe that I’ve only been doing animation for a year

I was going to say that time flies so fast and it’s already my first anniversary

but actually no

I'm surprised it's only been a year

I feel like a lot of things happened

It feels like four years to me

Don't know how all this happened

but suddenly we came here

thank you all

For giving me comments and feedback

really really

I often receive some very useful advice

some of them are not even related to the video

someone has suggested what I should eat that is healthier lol

anyway, all I can do is make more and better videos, right?

I will continue to do this

Then let me say it again

It’s my first anniversary!


that all

Thank you for liking my work and reading the weekly report!

See you again on solo 10



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