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emm...I probably have more weekly reports than my videos recently

but good thing is we have a nice weekly cover

Let Momo accompany you through the weekend!

Hello GG Welcome to the weekly report!

actually you already know my plans for next week

I will make the first episode of Request 02

It has been completed for 30 seconds so far

If circumstances permit we will also have a video of Frieren

hope i can finish it

But because our first episode is relatively long

I don't have much confidence that I can finish both videos next week

anyway they should all be great


oh and remember I said about doing a lucky draw before?

If you forget or you don’t even know about this

(because I didn’t write it as a separate post)

This Week At KosoruCG 6/25-7/01

Hello GG welcome to the weekly uh...I should still introduce the cover a little bit... is the shadow after adjustment thanks to everyone who voted and people who left comments and opinions thanks a lot and... I spent the whole day sorting through a bunch of old videos I put all my videos here htt...

I haven't forgotten this

So I don't expect to accept any requests this year

or early next year

My schedule is really full

I know I'm a person who can't count to 8

I have a bunch of unfinished stuff

Someone asked me if I would take out my previous works and remake them

I would say....not yet

actually I have many ideas about long videos or series

I myself feel that videos that only 12s are sometimes...not enjoyable enough

I must say I enjoyed the first episode of these series

at a picnic with beer and pick up a free loli on your lucky day

Wake up in a room with your beautiful doll lying next to you

or beat up the wallet thief and rape her in the alley

man I think these are the main points of the story

these events began a series

Like "Beware of strangers"

stalking a girl and kidnapping her by pretending to lose your phone

I have to say I enjoyed it a lot

But there are so many things to test recently

too little time

even I'm looking forward to starting a new series

uh...and I will find time to catch up on those previous series...sure

telling a joke

We were talking with a group of friends

"What would you do if you could stop the time?"

someone said he would walk into the bank and take all the money

someone say he would take the women's bathhouse as a buffet

I said:

"Sleep until wake up naturally and then go to work"

Then they all said that:

"this is how exactly you waste your superpowers way"

i mean

if you can pause time

You meet someone at 14:00

You can even go out at 13:59

without worrying about being late

I often leave the house too early and wait there for 40 minutes

or I go out too late and make others wait for me for 40 minutes

I mean 40 minutes

You can do a lot of things in that useful 40 minutes

like I often don't clean my desk

even if it only takes 2 minutes

but sometimes I just don't want to spend those 2 minutes

If I had 40 more minutes I could clear the table 20 times

okay I probably still don’t clean my table(´・ω・`)

but i can do other things

nyaaa anyway

actually I'm in good condition now

I don’t have any creative bottlenecks

I just don't have time

You know, if you live alone

You have to do everything yourself

and those things sometimes take a lot of time

and it takes a lot of time to make a video

see, all problems are time

so don't worry about me

as long as the time is up, everything will be solved

Probably half of this sentence is said to myself

sometimes thinking about these unfinished videos can be stressful

but I will tell myself

hey, there's nothing you can't solve

no need to be stressed

So you just have to wait until I finish them

I think I can still make more and better videos

When I was writing this weekly report, I went back and looked at my works from last year.

It's really interesting

oh that's all

Thanks for watching the weekly report

the next video should be the first episode of Request 02

See you next week(`・ω・´)シャキーン



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