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Hello GG

It's time for the weekly again

I don't know if you guys went to watch Stalker 5

hope you watched

because that video showed my new technique for inserting animation

and boobs animation

everything looks fine except for some minor optimization issues

and I'm working on a new skill

a cool thing

you can increase the smoothness of the animation to 1/10 second

let there be ten set animations in one second

on every finger

but the problem is that it puts a lot of strain on the computer

so I'm trying to strike that balance at the same time

make the video looks detailed and smooth,

and keep my computer or anyone else's computer using my SD from exploding

I think if you want to do something well

or if you are a professional and want to learn a certain skill

you need to constantly use new tools to learn new things

these things will make you better and more skilled

when i was a kid

my parents always take me to an old dentist

man....that treatment always makes me very painful

so I hate all dentists

(although I don't think anyone would like it)

My parents think this doctor is experienced

he's been treating people's teeth for 30 years

yes, there's no doubt he's treated a lot of teeth.

but my feeling is

he's using the same method he learned in school 30 years ago

to treat people's teeth

I think new technology is very important

if tradition is a good thing

we should still be rubbing sticks together to make fires

I still think that there are too many people better than me

these creators can make really cool stuff

and most of them are willing to share their knowledge

a new guy like me gets so many resources and I'm very grateful for that

So I think what I should do is

while constantly making new videos to accumulate experience

and study how others do it

how did they do it

how did he do that

life is a constant challenge, right?

speaking of challenges

on thursday i go to get my driver's license

and I screwed up


I think it's pretty smooth when I'm riding on the road

so I thought I could pass the test and get my driver's license

turns out I didn't expect their new quiz items to be so difficult

I was very nervous that day

my hands and feet are shaking

So obvious that my examiner told me not to be nervous

when I hit the line and failed

i feel very depressed

it really hit me hard

because many of my friends passed the first time

I remember putting my face on my dashboard when I left the exam room

heartbeat very fast

regretting my failure

then my examiner gave me back my documents

he said to me:"you can come again next week"

after I took the document, I thought:

"Yeah I can do it again next week"

But immediately another voice came out and told me:

"What if you fail again next week?"

I tell that voice:

"Then I'll try again"


there are 4 weeks in a month

12 months in a year

people have several years in their lifetime

when i was packing my moving things

I found the diary I wrote when I was in elementary school

Whoa, I was probably eight years old then

I look at what I write in my diary and I find it funny

"It turned out that at that time, I would worry about such trivial things."

reminds me of my grandmother

when i cry like the world is ending

she always smiles and wipes my tears with her hands

then tell me: it's nothing, everything will be fine

I remember her technique of wiping tears was not very good

she always makes my face full of tears

now I can understand what she's saying

It turns out that sometimes my troubles and pains are really so small


i went to starbucks and had a chocolate cake

this was supposed to be eaten to celebrate passing the exam

but I don't think there's anything to be sad about failing

i don't need to punish myself

make myself miserable

it's not a big deal at all

So the very funny thing is

the next day


a man of 25

a few tree branches were placed in the open space near the house

start practicing riding a motorcycle

learning what he should have learned at 18 LMAO

My friends started driving without a license at about 14 until they got their driver's license at 18

and I probably walked the road for 25 years

didn't buy my first motorcycle until February of this year

although failing the exam did hit me hard

but seriously

now that I think about it, I don't think it's a big deal

no wonder people who live a long time always tell me "that's okay"

Okay it's a life experience of mine

happened just two days ago

You will encounter various difficulties in your life

Maybe you're feeling a racing heart, pain, and annoyance right now

But actually you can think about it

"You still have a lot of chances"

If you fail the test, you can take it again

If you get rejected you can try again maybe another day

If you're creating something you failed this time

you can try again because who knows maybe the next one will work

people always have so many opportunities to try again and again

when you realize this

You will find that the failures and troubles just now are so insignificant

at least for me it does

I hope my personal experience can help you who are trying

don't worry about your one failure

because you always have plenty of chances

Oh, I seem to have forgotten to mention what to do next week

uh...I'm working on a walking animation right now

Yeah it's just a walking animation

Stalker 6 is sure to be fun

and I actually expect at least one new scene before Stalker 6 comes out

they will be used for me to test smoother animations

This is a brand new technique that I use to animate

It increases efficiency as well as accuracy

Reduce production time while increasing animation detail

It can also reduce the processing of computer calculations

Sounds dreamy but it's doable

anyway they are already on the way

Here's what I'm going to do this week

okay that's all

thank you for watching the weekly:)




What about the next Partner? Story is still interesting but I wanna see more Sagiri lol :D


oh Partner 8 probably next month I have been studying the picture quality and animation fluency since February I anticipate going back to making Partner 8 after the technology in these tests is complete I have the impression that I haven't done any work with dialogue since February


the Partner series has already decided the whole story in the early stage of production i think it will have a good beginning and end when I go back to make Partner 8, its quality should be much different of 7 take out 3 and Take out 4 are also two months apart glad to hear someone enjoyed the Partner series because in fact, this whole series is me testing the storyline and character creation it has very little hentai part so I'm not sure if people will like it but I still love this series