The first a lot lot (Pixiv Fanbox)
2022-12-31 20:20:12
This is a first a lot lot
so I put all the previous SD and character cards in one folder
then you don't have to click 200 times to download
One thing to note is some characters have been updated
If you see the callout for 2.0
That means the character might not be suitable for the SD she appeared
But considering that I put the character directly in SD
that might not be a problem
2.0 characters are usually more refined and closer to the body and skin I use now
if you like my personal style character
You can drop her into other SD you like
now take it
have fun~
Oh if you want my introduction
I can introduce you I made them after all
"Take out 1" and "Solo 5.1" suitable for almost any characters
you can put any character you like in to these two SD
very pleasing to the eye
then "In restaurant with momo 2" "Beware of strangers 3.5"
That's a very simple animation
If you don't really want drama
or you're in a hurry and need a quick done you will need it
What you should pay attention to is the "invade" series
they are very detailed so
if you change a character it will probably be useless
Although I do like every one of my creations
but if you ask me "which is the best to use?"
I would say "Trap 2" and "Trap 3"
You can go and see these two SD
you'll know what i'm talking about
have fun~