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New page added: “EXTRA 4: Will Kirito be still Alive in 20 Years?”

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Kirito: NGH…

Why these nipples produce so much milk. And your milk is getting thicker the more I squeeze it. Kirito, why are you so special?!

You are just so special in every way. Cute, sexy, powerful, dark and gigantic nipples. even lactating in real life.

I heard that you chose to take Asuna's to be tortured. How Heroic. But I wonder if you would make the same choice if you knew this is how you end up. Oh no, this is far from the end.

They will keep torture your disgusting body till you die.

I bet you can last very long because you are strong and resilient. But can you live till you're 20?

30? 40? What do you think?The powerful Kirito now cannot even hold his pee while your nipples are being squeeze.

It'd be interesting to know what you will look like if you are still alive 20 years from now.

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Special thanks to 落雪冰痕 ( https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/11885323 ) for his volunteer effort to translate this work.

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the character(s) depicted in this artwork (fan art). This is solely for the enjoyment of the fans of the anime and no copyright infringement is intended.




This is an extra update that is not on the regular schedule. That mean it does not interrupt the regular update schedule and we will still have our new update tomorrow.