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New Illustration added: “Skeletor’s Victory Party” [He-Man]

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On the next day after He-Man was defeated, Skeletor hosted a party to celebrate his victory over He-Man. Hundreds of He-Man's enemies are invited to the party. He-Man was already amputated and hoisted at the center of the party hall, gasping and leaking cum. All the guests are encouraged to play with He-Man's broken body in any way they desire.

Guest: Wow, is that really He-Man?! I can't believe my eyes. Skeletor, you really did it! That's really hard to believe. I want to destroy his sexy and pathetic body even further.

Guest: It was just one day. What did you do to turn the mighty He-Man into this piece of rotten meat in just a day? Look at his anus. It's even leaking ass juice!

Skeletor: I have modified He-Man to the core with my new power. The more you torture him, the more he gets excited. And I have increased his sensitivity to pain and pleasure by 5000 times. He never stops leaking cum since I amputated him. He loves it. Hahaha.

Guest: Yeah, I can tell from his excited nipples and boner. Even someone as strong as He-Man is unable to win clever strategies of Skeletor and protect his kingdom. What a pitiful loser.

Guest: Although he’d been showing off his chest all the time, I’ve never seen his nipples being this hard and pointy. He must be overloaded with sexual pleasure.

Guest: Even someone as strong as He-Man is unable to win clever strategies of Skeletor and protect his kingdom. What a pitiful loser.

Skeletor: Do whatever you want to him. Don't worry about getting him killed. He is He-Man, and I know so well how insanely strong this pervert is after I've been playing with it in the past 24 hours.

Guest: But he's been so broken already. I wonder if he can survive till his public execution.

Guest: With this modified, He-Man is just a pile of meat. It’s time to take my revenge and have a lot of fun.

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Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the character(s) depicted in this artwork (fan art). This is solely for the enjoyment of the fans of the anime and no copyright infringement is intended.




I saw an ad on Youtube of the show on Netflix. But I like his look in the 2002 version much better 😆