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Hello everyone, this is nrs.

Thank you so much for all of your support and for following us ✨

As we informed you last time, we have received a notice from pixiv that "we have confirmed that some of the images, titles, tags, and other text in the posts contain expressions that are subject to correction, so we have decided to make the relevant posts private.

Therefore, FANBOX is now deleting stories that may contain expressions that require correction, and removing pages, dialogues, and characters that are inappropriate in some cases.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to those of you who have supported us, and we apologize for any problems this may have caused...!

From now on, we will avoid using expressions that require correction in the stories we submit, and we will be careful not to receive correction instructions from the management.

Therefore, we will avoid stories with forced situations such as "hypnotism" and "rape," and will mainly post stories with soft situations on Fanbox, albeit in a gentle manner.

At this point, we are not sure how much is out of bounds, and we have not been informed of the detailed modifications by the management, so there are many unclear parts. (Such as whether the illustration itself, not just the words in the title or tags, is subject to being made private.)

In order to avoid a FANBOX freeze, it will be harder to post hard situations as before, but we would like to keep the content of the updates the same as before in order to please all of our supporters as much as possible.

As for the image

Basically, tags and titles, descriptions, etc. without using expressions that require modification, etc.

In addition, we will take our time.

(In FANBOX, delete some lines and pages, and post only those scenes that are not problematic.

Gray stories → Post on FANBOX and fantia, and when instructed to revise, revise or keep private.

Soft stories (lovemaking, etc.) → Post on fanbox & fantia.

We are planning to operate in such a way.

We may change it later, for better or worse (e.g., restrictions may be looser than expected), but we would like to change it to this type of operation. We will let you know as the situation develops.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those of you who have been supporting us. Please accept our best regards...!

We will continue to publish all of our submissions on 🌟fantia & update them as we have in the past. If you are worried about modification or privatization, please visit fantia if you like. 🌟

However, in this day and age, there may be revisions to the terms and conditions on your site later on. We hope to be able to respond flexibly to each situation. (No problem at this time).

The story of Akutan and Fubuki's hypo-situ will be sold on FANZA and other websites at a later date. (At the moment, we are selling the stories of Toi, Akutan, and Oka-yun.)

↓URL of our circle "Narusezumu"

We will keep you posted on FANBOX, pixiv, fantia, and Twitter.

If you have any other suggestions, we would appreciate your comments! (What do you want us to update on this site, or what about this kind of story? )

We are planning to update "Oka-yun's Esthetic Manga 3P" on fanbox this month without any problem.

We will continue to do our best to please everyone as much as possible and to avoid receiving instructions from the management to make necessary revisions!

No matter what happens, we will adapt to the situation and continue to post works that are better for everyone who supports us, so thank you for your continued support 😊💕.





対応お疲れ様です。 今のままだと色々不明瞭で、クリエーターとしては相当やりづらいでしょう(運営さんハッキリしてほしい) そういう状況でも更新してくれてありがとうございます。これからも先生のイラストを楽しみにしています!


対応お疲れ様です。 個人的にハードな内容が好きなので、形式は変われどこれからも描いていただけるようで嬉しいです! 中々難しい状況ではあると思いますが、これからの更新も楽しみに待っております!


対応お疲れ様です 場所を変えて見れることがわかり安心しました!nrsさんのハードなシチュとセリフが好きなので陰ながら応援してます ただ、pixivリクエストもFANBOXと同じ運営なので要修正表現なものは頼めないんでしょうね…もしFANZAで販売した催〇シチュ話で差分見たいとなったらskebで依頼して、販売したファイルへ差分追加になるんでしょうかね


k777さん、コメントありがとうございます✨ 私もどんな状況になってもいちゃラブ、ハード、どちらも今後とも続けて制作していきたいと思っているので、そう言っていただけて励みになります....!! 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします🥰


フェイさん、コメントありがとうございます✨ 確かに動きにくさは皆さんあるかと思いますね😢ただそんな中、我々を信じて応援してくださっている方々には感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです....😖 今後どうなるとしても、活動は絶対続けますので、今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします🥰


chockさん、コメントありがとうございます✨ そう言っていただけて私もすごく嬉しいです! そうですね、ハードめのお話はskebからリクエストしていただいた方がいいと思います😖 skebですと、pixivリクエストとは違い、御依頼主さんに直接イラストファイルを納品できる形になるので、多分ですが検閲は入らないかと...(違ったら申し訳ないです) 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします🥰


Unsure if it would work but perhaps keeping the actual works as a Zip file instead of posting them might make it safe while keeping the name as something not as explicit like Oky_Scn_01JP/EN or something similar? other than that I could think about delivering the rewards as a dropbox folder each month instead? maybe?


Thank you for your comment! That is a good idea. I'll try it out and publish it as a zip file next time. I see people publishing illustrations on discord, but I don't know how to do it in detail. I will try to find out more about it so that I can manage it better.


I believe you can also upload zip files to discord and then only allow members in who are joined on the fanbox respective plan to the corresponding channel. Best of luck and hope for the best!