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It seems like Pixiv will be updating their Terms soon, I'm not sure how this will affect many of us, so we just have to wait and see once the updated terms go online.

So I guess I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Either way I'm not giving up on drawing the stuff I love so if Pixiv decides to go "that" path, then I guess I'll just have to move on to greener pasture.



Gumroad might be an option! It seems the terms only affect services that have payments, so main site pixiv won't change. But for the upload you've been doing here, gumroad individual purchases/subscription service might be an option!


There are more options, for sure. I'm just gonna wait for the new terms before I make a decision.


I swear that this is absolute nonsense from NOT-PURE "Puritans" who think about "it" 24/7 in order to stay very mad. What they do when mad is clouded, violent, has the overreaching & unintended consequences which hurt legitimate, compliant people… and in what is that wrath rooted? Ego, that is to say, the mortal sin of PRIDE. Lucifer is smiling in Hell at how much worse they're sinning while they claim that they are not sinning. Truly an aggravating thing and also sad.


Oh no, are they going after the lolis again? Those bastards.


Hard to tell at this point, we are just waiting for the new terms to go live so we can see what is allowed and what is not.


Some say it is because some people were using AI to promote CP, so no one knows for sure. I say lets wait for the new terms to go live before judging anything or anyone.

Justin iZ Here

Hopefully the ToS is just going after that disgusting 3D photorealistic loli shit I keep seeing on Pixiv. If all else fails fantia and ci-en still exist but having to hop from place to place is fucking stupid.


I'm seeing many Pixiv artists fleeing to Fantia, maybe that's a platform you could look to as a new home?


shit sucks Aside from having to keep tabs on who goes where, figuring out how to make payments work is annoying too with all the ways it gets blocked. My fault for continueing to rely on paypal I suppose. But I'd like to continue to support artists, with regular ass monthly bank transfers if I need to, damnit!

Emerald Acid

If things end up forcing a move, hopefully it'll be an easy move and an easy-to-follow move. I have so many more ideas I wanna commission if I can just get job income again >.>


Well my Pixiv account will be still there, is just the paid services that may get affected and there are more than one way to get commissions, so don't worry.


I thought we will have no more merit from here, we can choose between mosaic censorship (Japanese) or prohibited pedophilia contents (Western) before this term, but new Pixiv FANBOX and request term will censor both. Another Japanese subscription sites like Fantia and Ci-en, maybe there will not so strict like this new term but there can upload and earn only Japanese, not foreigners currently.


fantia is extremely strict. they will even read your DMs if suspicion arises that you might circumvent their censorship rules and eventually temporary ban your account.


I knew that, they read my DM and I received warning mail from there. Many creators moved from fantia to fanbox because these strict things before this term.


I want to say make a discord, just a space where you can leave news & updates (but maybe not upload your work so cant get reported) just so people can have some form of contact with you. But the choice is yours. But please if you move spaces or something else happens, let us know <3


Of course. My pixiv page will still be around though so unless Pixiv decides to shut then then I wouldn't be going anywhere.

Knight's Rose

If you need an alternative I heard Subscribestar isn't a terrible place.