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An excerpt from the commissioner:

“I AM GOING TO MURDER MY SISTER, CYBIL! I WILL DO IT!” Laila shouts while thrashing on top of the court desk that previously contained her boss’s documents. A dark and living shadow holds her to the table while the blue haired Fury she spawned from continues to work her into a cutesy adult diaper, red and spiderweb themed. She despises how it feels on her. “FIRST I HEAR FROM HER IN THREE YEARS AND SHE’S SICCING HER DEMON DIAPER GIRLFRIEND ON ME?! DEATH!”

“Motion to have that statement stricken from the record, your honor?” Cybil asks while trying to keep herself together. The girl’s definitely a bright bulb, but this is a lot of baggage to be bringing into court, she feels. “And…the previous ten minutes? Maybe everything until after I can settle this matter Laila has with Ms…”

“Alecto the Arrested, Alecto of the 333rd generation of the Furies. The most famous and popular babysitter from the Underworld, always available for hire. Here to keep this one in compliance with a contract she formed with another denizen and avoiding…the penalties,” Alecto states with a knowing hiss.

“I HAVE SIGNED NOTHING, YOU IDOT!” Laila adds. “Call my sister and get her to call you off, NOW!” Alecto blows a raspberry as she pulls out her phone.

“Riiiiight, Ms. Alecto,” Cybil replies flatly. “Your honor?” Judge Harmon furrows his brows and bushy mustache, looking down on at the scene with Alecto on one end, Cybil on the other, and Laila thrashing on top of a shadow. He sighs wearily before giving his decision.

“We will strike your paralegal’s hyperbolic desire to commit sororicide, but all the rest will be necessary to keep on record, Ms. Cybil. This context will be vital for your client to understand just what happened at this hearing.”

Cybil hangs her head low, knowing they’re boned on this case. She brings her head back up and tries to cheer her paralegal up with a headpat. She needs to recoil it back before it gets bitten off. She thinks that maybe Laila could use a chill pill, though she’s uncertain on this Alecto’s methods. Halfway across the city, Iblis’s phone rings as she and Desirée head out from Desirée’s apartment for some errands. After checking to make sure Desirée’s properly dressed, Iblis answers her phone before bombarded with information that Desirée can only partially glean.

“Hey Alec—If you could—Courthouse? Cybil? Desirée? What are you talking about?”

“I am TALKING about how your contractee welched on you, changed her name, and was out of dress code, Iblis. Panties,” Alecto says, holding the phone to her head with her shoulder while snapping up Laila’s onesie. Shadow lets one arm go to get some cheek-pinching in. “Looks and sounds EXACTLY like your little girl, and I bet this hearing was to finalize changing her name to Laila so she could try and run out on you. Hired this lawyer and everything. Lucky for you, Alecto here took initiative to keep her in your good graces.” She brags while rubbing her chest with her knuckles.

“THE HEARING IS ABOUT A ZONING DISPUTE FOR A DAYCARE, YOU IDIOT,” Laila shouts loud enough for even Iblis and Desirée on the other end to make out. Desirée’s heart sinks.

“Well then I guess I can drop you off there while we wait for Iblis to pick you up,” Alecto teases.

“This Laila sounds pretty damn sure of herself. Besides, Desirée is literally standing right next to me, I just changed her before we head out. You caught a lookalike you idiot. She never—Desi?” Iblis turns to see Desirée looking like death in the face.

“Ohhhhh shit, she found Laila.” Desirée is breathless and trying not to panic.

“You know her?”

“Identical twin. We stopped talking a few years ago but she might have…started…going to law school…SORRY SIS IBLIS HIRED HER AS MY BABYSITTER, DEMON CONTRACT, LONG STORY.” she yells so Laila can pick it up. She adds “But I finally found a demon book that actually works at least…they’re nice when you know them.”

“I TOLD YOU! I TOLD you about this occult shit, sister! Now the record will have me written up as the kinkster because YOU couldn’t just stop buying all that tarot or Ouija or WHATEVER!”

“Hey you work for a lawyer from what I gather, kiddo, I’m sure she can get Alecto to let you get your pants back at least,” Iblis turns her phone off with a snort, cutting off another angry scream from Desirée’s sister while Desirée is aghast. “They’re screwed.”

Back in the courthouse Cybil looks at Alecto, cradling her diapered paralegal on her lap while she pouts and crosses her arms. She composes herself and thinks about how best to approach negotiating with an apparent demon. Maybe the demon will simply be reasonable?

“Ms. Alecto, is there ANY possibility you accept the mistake you made and let my paralegal go? Preferably with her clothes returned to her? I mean who really could have predicted that these girls were twins–”

Shadow instantly incinerates Laila’s old pants and panties, leaving only a the shirt and coat behind. Cybil stares at shadow in shock.

“She’s keeping the diaper on no matter what, ma’am. I’m proud of my handiwork.”

Cybil buries her head in her hands and gives a long sigh. The demon is not reasonable, but at least we know one of her redlines. She thinks about how best to address this red-line and trying to preserve her assistant’s dignity. An idea comes, and Cybil peeks through her fingers while floating a compromise.

“Take the onesie off, give her back her shirt, but we get her a skirt so people may still view your…handiwork? I mean it’s certainly windy today.” She sees Alecto is not biting, so she turns up the lawyer charm. “I mean you are truly talented at this. The way that spiderweb pattern wrapped around Laila’s rear end? Masterful. Even if it were only one or two people on streets seeing it, I’m sure the advertisement alone would be–”

Shadow incinerates the shirt and coat next, Cybil flinches and Laila tries to hold herself from throwing a punch at a demon.

“Flattery will only get you somewhere if you actually wanna wear them, which I know you’re not offering. Now MY offer is we leave with her dressed as-is after your judge sentences you or whatever.” Alecto says with a smirk while picking at the onesie snaps. “I mean you COULD make another offer, you said you wanted me to take the onesie off? You did say my patterns are masterful, maybe it’s wrong to keep it hidden from people after all?”

“Nope nope nope you are bad counsel for this Cybil, we will take the deal as is and you can do what you want for TODAY.” Laila asserts as she swats her babysitter’s hand away from the snaps, with her babysitter and shadow responding by hugging her tight. “She’ll get bored eventually and leave, or get called away from my sister needing an emergency diaper change.”

“EXTREMELY inadvisable to give into a demon’s game of chicken, Laila, but I’m just the actual lawyer here. What do I know my paralegal WHOSE LAW SCHOOL I AM STILL PAYING FOR doesn’t?” Cybil replies, frustrated.



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