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This is an extra version of the video for my sponsors. Thank you for your support! Please do not upload my video to YouTube or anywhere else. これは私のスポンサーのためのエクストラバージョンビデオです。 ご支援いただきありがとうございます! 私のビデオをYouTubeや他の場所にアップロードしないでください。 Original Version: https://youtu.be/qBJHP_UL2r4




Are nude models like this going to make their way into Dream Select Studio?

ID Kurumi

The girl is so cute. I like the way she struggles. It would be nice if the uploaded girls were released.. but it's a shame.


Hello (I'm Deadpool) thanks for this! This looks very intriguing, I haven't looked at the video but I think it looks great! When do you think you will be able to release the full version (You can exaggerate, so that an earlier release is more appreciated!) Do you have any plans on adding pee effects (as an optional) like in Manami's Hanging Dream? Has it crossed your mind? However you do, I'm sure you will do great development! Looking forward!


DSS does not officially support nude models in the game. However, using the vrm import function that will be added in the full version, you can import the model you want.


If possible, I would like to release it within this year. However, it is still unclear as there are many features and content that need to be improved and added, so I will let you know when it becomes clearer. Regarding the feature you mentioned, unfortunately there are no plans to add it at this time.

ID Kurumi

But in fact, there are a lot of paid models... I don't know if there are nude models among the free ones...


Will she be in the game at all?


How do you make these? Is it manually animating or modifying the game somehow? It looks like the same graphics :o


It is possible to create animation videos using these characters, but there is no copyright for use in games.


No code from my game was used here. I created separate ragdoll physics just for animation. Since the same tool (Unity Engine) was used, there are some graphical similarities.