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Long time no see. This is a new update of DSS!

I tried to try something new this time, but it didn't work out. (shaders, lighting methods, physics methods, etc.)

And there were so many bugs that I continued to work on bug fixes until today, which I had considered my last deadline. To be honest, the stability of the game is very poor, so I often delay it as much as possible without revealing the exact release date.

Despite the long wait, I'm afraid this update won't be enough to satisfy you. But regardless, I'll do what I have to do.

Major updates:

Shader: I applied a shader that made more of a toon feel. Many comments are appreciated.

Physics: Also improved the movement of the girls!

Bathtub: Bathtub device added. It is a simulation device that can adjust the position of the cylinder and the water level.

Drone: A hanging simulation type using a drone. You can freely manipulate and move the drone.

Hanging Improvement: Previously, the simulation could only be started by removing the chair, but it has been improved so that the ragdoll can be activated without removing the chair.

Standing garrote: A garrote device type that progresses while standing has been added.

New Restraints: New rope types have been added that can be applied to arms and legs.

New characters: Manami and Azusa added as extra characters. (Azusa is shorter than the other girls, so there are some bugs)

Hunt Mode: A new minigame mode. You can hunt girls in the maze. (Beta, in development)

And other big and small changes!

Other than that, I tried to add a mini game mode related to hanging and water, but it is buggy and unstable, so it is expected that it will be introduced in the next version.

I'm sorry for not being able to communicate with you a lot. It's hard to try to develop a game under an anonymous name while living in reality. There's a lot I want to say, but I'll cut it short. I will try harder. Thank you for always!

お久しぶりです。 DSSの新アップデートです!

今回新しい試みをしてみようと努力しましたが、うまくいきませんでした。 (シェーダ、照明方式、物理方式など)

そしてバグが多すぎて、私が最後の期限と考えていた今日までもバグ修正作業を続けました。 正直に言うと、ゲームの安定性が非常に低下するので、私は正確なリリース日を公開せずにできるだけ遅れることがよくあります。

多くの待ちにもかかわらず、私は今回のアップデートが皆さんを満足させるに足りないかと心配ですね。 しかし、気にせず私がしなければならないことをします。


シェーダー:トゥーン感をさらに活かしたシェーダーを適用してみました。 たくさんのコメントありがとうございます。


Bathtub:Bathtubデバイスが追加されました。 シリンダの位置と水の水位を調節できるシミュレーションデバイスです。

Drone:ドローンを利用した絞首刑シミュレーションタイプです。 ドローンを自由に操作して移動できます。


スタンディング Garrote: 立ち上がり状態で進行する Garrote デバイスタイプが追加されました。



ハントモード:新しいミニゲームモードです。 迷路で女の子を狩ることができます。 (ベータ、開発中)



皆さんとコミュニケーションがたくさんできなくてすみません。 現実を人生と同時に匿名の名前でゲームを開発しようとするのは難しいですね。 言いたいことが多いですが、これだけ減らします。 さらに頑張ります。 いつもありがとうございました!




Very nice work


Thanks for the update <3


May I ask if you have plans to add voice for the mouth tape state?<3


金属拘束具をもっと増やしてほしい。 手錠、足枷。 鏡を増やしてほしい。 一人称は自分の姿が見えます。 全裸、透明ラテックスを増やしてほしい。 猟殺モードは電気銃を使います。 倒れて拘束する 処刑台に連れて行く 人気ゲームのキャラクターを増やしてほしい このゲームが大好きです。 ありがとうございました。 応援します。 グーグル翻訳、すみません


Good, I waited very long time


thank you for the update, you've done an amazing job with this game so far! looking forward to the water minigames! <3 <3


Nice work, it made my peepee hard. By the way, have you considered adding the incontinence back into the game as an option? Really miss that feature.


Take your time. The work that you've done on this already has been amazing! You are under no obligations so don't burn yourself out! That said I just wanted to let you know of a bug - when you select the NONE option with option C leg bindings it bugs out and the character goes flying all over the map. It seems that they get stuck into the ground each time. Just wanted to let you know.


I hope the hunting mode can be restarted instead of going back to the main menu every time, and the girl can be regenerated automatically so that it doesn't have to end. In the end, the author has done very well. Come on, hope to see the next version updated as soon as possible.


Please, if you add it, add it only as an option. I really don't like it (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) even though I understant people want it.


About strangle and ziptie : when underwater, sound should be underwater sounds. A good way to do that is to give priority to underwater sounds over any other sounds. Strangling sounds underwater feels off and therefore be replaced by underwater drowning sound. This is my two cents. Anyway, thanks for your work! It's great!


After playing DSS 0.4 for about a week, it’s clear that this is another welcomed improvement. It’s great to see two additional characters, especially since they’re from Drowning Dream. I love the idea of incorporating in-universe characters to flesh out an existing game, which I feel ties everything together. Doing this with Girls’ Breathholding Competition as well would be hugely welcomed. Especially, I would love to see Gold and Orange make appearances at some point. For now, I’m looking forward to seeing what cute outfit choices Manami and Azusa will have in the future! New features and improvements: The drone is interesting and unexpected, and it’s great that it works underwater. Same goes for the new rope options, which are very sexy. Leg Rope C I especially love, reminding me of the old Waterbondage videos.


Of course, my favorite new (old) device is the bathtub. It works just like it did back in Drowning Dream, but the newer water animation/texture is a drastic improvement over the original. My only suggestions are having the option for no restraints, allowing for more than one character in the bath at a time, and perhaps a somewhat larger tub to better facilitate this. Hunting mode isn’t my cup of tea, but it works well. I’m sure others will enjoy it. The change in the shaders is subtle but welcomed. The most obvious change is that now the characters have an outline around their faces. At first, I didn’t think it was needed but it does accomplish the goal of giving the characters a cartoon-feel. Since the characters are all done in an anime style, I think it works well, though I appreciate that their physical proportions are unaltered, retaining realistic bodies and curves. Perfect.


Though they were good in 0.3, animations and movements are also improved in 0.4. I had actually started to take for granted the characters’ underwater animations until I played Cyberpunk 2077. Obviously, DSS is nothing like Cyberpunk, but Cyberpunk is one of the new standards in realistic movement/animation. For those who’ve not played it, there is a bar with women dancing underwater in glass tubes. Yes, it looks good. It is Cyberpunk after all. However, in terms of kinetic realism, DSS actually does a better job. Considering Cyberpunk is a multimillion-dollar project with countless team members, it’s incredible that Heazhan (one man, working under a pseudonym, dealing with real-life problems) has superior underwater physics and animation. Well done! Honestly, the only game I’ve played with better implementation of water was Hydrophobia: Prophecy, a good but polarizing title.


Suggested improvements: With every new version of DSS, my wish list seems to shrink. But there are still a few things I’d like to see, such as more swimming/diving accessories. Covers/lids for the water environments would be very welcomed, too. A removeable seal on the water tank without having to resort to spawning the long drop gallows over it would certainly add to the player’s enjoyment. Same goes for having a pool cover. Finally, although pinning characters works great, I again feel that weights or diving belts should be equipment options. In the future it would also be nice to see water dripping off the characters when they surface, but this is likely difficult to add and should only be tackled once the most important development is completed. Coughing out water might be easier, though, since it’s already successfully implemented in Girls’ Breathholding Competition.


Overall? The new version is great, and I love the new features! The comment “I'm afraid this update won't be enough to satisfy you” might be true for some… but not me. DSS 0.4 shows steady and remarkable improvements over previous releases, concentrating on making better the core features of the game. IMO, this is the right path. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, just smooth it into an ever-rounder shape. That seems to be Heazhan’s approach, so I’m hugely looking forward to version 0.5 in October, especially if story mode is implemented! And if it takes longer? That’s totally fine. Things like this can’t be rushed, and Heazhan must lookout for his own wellbeing. Whenever the next version comes, count on the fact that I’ll gladly pay for early access. Long live Dream Select Studio!




Hello! You did a great job, thanks! I am also glad some old friends here :) And there are some suggestions. 1. More posture at the beginning, especially when I use rope C on legs, I want she kneels. 2. More expression like tongue out or closing only one eye. 3. Fast start. I understand your ambition with the assistant, but it costs some time to use conversation to enter the game. Maybe you can also set a board at here and put options on it, so I can enter with only one click. 4. More sexy rope styles plz like pictures with 縛りin pixiv. Or maybe it can be user-defined with more freedom. 5. More latex suit styles. They are all black now.


6. User-defined tool or workshop. I mean maybe all we users can creat and share our own characters, just like some role play games.


Still you cannot adjust the size of rope of the gallows before it gets started. It is allowed to be interacted after press i but that also starts the timer as well. The girl is more like dangling rather than stand straight. Moreover, on Long Drop gallows it also releases the trapdoor too, making adjust the size of the rope moot. I wonder that when I can use it actually. The bug that throw away the girl after release the trapdoor of the long drop gallows on the chamber is not removed either. Can't you just raise the height of the roof? It would solve the issue so quickly. The new characters are welcome, and although they lacks the other costume but still it's good to see them again. The leg bound C option is good but for most devices it makes the girl to be bounded AFTER start the device so it is weird.


That said it is quite advance thant the old version, especially for the struggle of the girls. Another bugs: -When you choose Bathtub and/or new characters they lacks a name(name of the device for bathtub, and name of the characters for the characters). -If you click too fast during the conversation with the secretary you can heard the ongoing voice and the new voice at the same time. You better cut the ongoing voice when she talk again. -If you drag the rope of the gallows before start the drop and don't release it for a time while you drag too much it swings all over the places. If you continue do that it is also possible that the rope is removed.

ID Kurumi

It's good to see it's getting updated. 1. I wish there was a hold function for girls 2. Add toenail color


The gallows hanging animation is looking pretty good now! My main gripe is that for the water tank, the girls just sink to the bottom and don't do much. I think the girls should float more, and try to swim upwards, or at least move a little more. The hunt mode was amusing, if a little short. Keep up the good work~


> Long time no see. Oh, great! At this rate, you have all means to finish the game, implementing everything you're up to. > a shader that made more of a toon feel. Many comments are appreciated Good. Often, such graphical aspects are made customizable, so users could toggle one option separately, as you are doing already with resolution and fullscreen. By the way, you will need saved game state if you want to implement achievement system; so you can store shader preference there (if that requires game restart). > Physics: Also improved the movement of the girls Now instead of standing on footing, they resort to bending knees and kicking both legs together. Which is not logical; but acceptable, considering that 100%-accurate hanging would be impossible anyway at current capabilities of your engine (or it would take way more time than profit it'll give). > Bathtub device added Yay! Now you actually merged your games together. Breath-Holding Competition is next I guess?


> Drone: A hanging simulation type using a drone. Many people are asking to give a way to rebind keyboard keys. So, for example, drone controls can be remapped in menu (separately from other devices!). I think you need a system of bindings, because now different devices have different set of used keys. Also keyboard config UI on per-device basic will ease learning device capabilities for users (they won't need to read guidebook), since just a list of bind actions will be enough to understand everything any machine can do. > ragdoll can be activated without removing the chair. Can you somehow slowdown or weaken physics simulation, gradually restoring it instead of abruptly enabling it? During a short amount of time (several frames) after spawning a ragdoll character (or enabling ragdoll), for example by reducing scale of time step for it? So that physics won't have enough force to explode in the moment of spawning.


> New characters: Manami and Azusa Ah, now the only thing I want to see is their shoes fall off at some point! Probably that would require your models to have separable accessories. Which is great for achievements system, or some kind of "store" where you can unlock new outfit parts, for example a flower hairpin (why not) which can be put on any girl. This is one step for fully customizable models! Which might be not what you want, because I can understand why you might not want to give adjustable hair color (as it's a part of character identity), but adjustable clothes would be very useful. (It should not be made by combinatorial compilation of every possible set of accessories as full models! If this is currently the only way to do it – then don't). > Hunt Mode: A new minigame mode. OMG, you're up to implement "Girl vs. Machine"! So cool. Though, I don't think that one-big-game is really better than several small games. A big one can quickly become unmaintainable.


> I'm sorry for not being able to communicate with you a lot. > There's a lot I want to say, but I'll cut it short. I think the other way around. I believe you should talk with us more, not as game developer talking with his subscribers, but as friends are talking about their hobbies and interests. It might take time, but you can always make it a good quality time! Which will encourage you in programming, give inspiration, having a fun time with people who share your interests and also respect you. I thought you made your Discord server for this exact purpose: to have more direct and free talk with your fans. But currently it's like a place "for us", not for you. If you're fine with it, then okay. But as myself being extraverted – I don't understand how one can make such large project on his own without engaging in conversations about it – and not burnout quickly.


Hi, Heazhan, you do a very good job on this game, it's amazing and I really enjoy it. As a player who only loves watching girls being hanged, I have some suggestions. 1. brightness of this 0.4 version looks better, but the hue looks red, I prefer the color and texture of fubuki's stocking in 0.3 ver.


2. the new movement and action of girls looks nice, their action and kicking looks more strongly and drastically. Meanwhile, I also love their tender movement in the 0.3 ver. I hope you could add an option in setting menu to let me switch between strong movement and tender movement.


3. It's good to see Manami and Azusa in this game, but I have to say, I still love Usagi so much. It's my strongest wish to see Usagi appears in this game with new texture and struggling movement.


4. I love the fainted expressions of these girls, also I'm happy to see girls tongue out when fainted. And I also want to see girls incontinent when they are at death's door. I really hope you can add two options of choosing tongue out or not and incontinence or not.


I can't believe that you have devote yourself to this game for such a long time and do so great job, I respect you.


大佬可以把失禁效果做出来嘛ԅ(¯ㅂ¯ԅ) can you made "piss off"please?


I can't believe I found someone that makes games where I can peek at girls panties while they struggle! It would be nice if you gave each of the girls unique panties when you have more time to work on the models. Or at least an option to choose what panties they are wearing on spawn. Also...Have you considered tickling as a form of torture/struggling yet? it works so well with this concept! and is a personal favourite to see cute girls laugh and piss themselves to death or at least fainting :D For example you could make it so the more/harder they laugh the less blood the brain gets or something like that, causing them to faint. Just an idea! Tickling cute girls is so much fun!