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I've told you about the major updates in the last news, but I have a few more to add.

Most of my time has been spent on improving the hanging and underwater animations, which currently use a mix of three physics types (drive, relative torque, and global torque). This will probably be the final version, and I'll build on it as I stabilise the physics and add new animations.

I was going to add a new stance and rope strangulation device, but it was too unstable, so unfortunately it won't be released in this update.

Regarding the characters' voices, I have some good ones, but they still need some time to be adapted to the game. They need to be edited to make them sound more contextual.

I'm asking for a lot of feedback on this. However, please remember to be respectful of the voice actors.

I'll be sharing some news about the video content I've been working on early next month, and I hope you enjoy the new version of DSS!

私は主要なアップデートは過去のニュースで伝えてくれました。 もう少し伝える言葉があります。

最も多くの時間を絞首刑アニメーションと水中アニメーションの改善に費やしました。 現在、3つの物理タイプの混合式が適用されます(ドライブ、相対トルク、グローバルトルク)。 おそらく今の方法が最終的になるでしょうが、この方法に基づいて物理を安定化していき、新しいアニメーションを追加していきます。


キャラクターの声について、私は良い声がありますが、まだゲームに合うように適用されるまでには時間がかかります。 さらに状況に応じて適切に再生するように編集などが必要です。

私はあなたにこの部分について非常に多くのフィードバックをお願いします。 ただし、音声演技者に対する尊重を忘れないでください。

来月初めに私が準備していたビデオコンテンツについてのニュースを公開します。 DSSの新バージョンも多くの関心をお願いいたします。




I can't wait to start experiencing it


I think the hair should be more flowing when the character is in the water. It is to make the hair look more "light and fluffy" than on land.Anyway, this version I really like! Looking forward to your updates.


I think the physics and how the characters move during hanging and in water was done very well. Overall, how the girls react from each device is very unique to each other now and is very satisfying to use. To be honest, I think having all girls having similar proportions now makes it not very distinguishable between each other, with the only difference in the simulation being the different expressions. If possible, I would like to be able to have the option to change each character's proportions and expressions, like how we can change clothes. Since it is a simulation game, giving more freedom to the player allows more variation. Overall, I think this beta was a good first release with the new physics and voice, but would have been nice if it added more features compared to the alpha. Thank you for your hard work!


The game is excellent so far,I wonder if the following version may give player some options about not changing the girl’s face color when they suffocate to die,or give some options that kill them immediately without changing their face color.The ragdoll physic is quite good and I’d like to drag their ragdoll to make some pose after they died,For this I would like to ask if there some tools to fix their body or some tools to slap their face or punch their body. Looking forward to your update keep it up!


Awesome update! Thank you so much! If I can give a little feedback: I wouldn't mute the drowning sounds/sound effects when using the mouth tape prop. Currently, when you use mouth tape, drowning sounds and the like are muted (including bubbles). Since the current drowning sounds simply involve moaning there isn't much of a reason to mute it or the bubble noises when using mouth tape. Also just a personal "would like to see" - but for the garotte I would love to see the option of having their hands tied *behind* the pole instead of instead of in front of them. Similarly, for the "none" device option some additional props such as chair tie would be great to see.


Really love this beta, one minor nitpick is that girls should make gurgling noises for a bit after they pass out like in real life.


Are you planning to add voice acting/sound effects when the characters are gagged?


This has been quite the improvement. I'm especially loving the radial menu. Its far less clunky than having everything spread out over the keyboard.


Thank you for the good game. I want to start hanging with a lift.


muffled sounds for when their mouths are taped would be cool too.


Good game but some bugs made fly away the girls near some walls (if you use ziptie for esample) . the water tank in some stage make the girl fit in to the wall


are you planning on adding manami again at some point?


really nice!!!! I'll appreciate if there are harder contractions when they're suffocating. and; can I use the girl with twintail or smth in this game? I like Azusa and "Black" the best in your whole games


so sorry, I meant "Dark" instead of "Black" from the breath holding competition game. name mistake


Love it, Heazhan! I played this for eight hours the day it was released LOL I'll start with the audio since you asked specifically for feedback on the voice actors and sounds. The underwater sounds are spot on, especially in regard to drowning. There could be more more variation in bubble sounds, but the grunts, cries and choking are perfect. I would stick with these voice actors in the future if you need more vocalizations. They're wonderful! Overall, the new sound effects truly bring the game to life. The new skin textures are a big improvement over the last version, especially the detail in the belly area. I'm not sure if you've changed the facial expressions, but the new textures (and sounds) really help to highlight the characters' emotions. Also, I love the new bunny outfits for Kanako and Kotori! They remind me of Usagi from Manami Yoshikawa's Drowning Dream. :)


Buoyancy is another big fix. I would still like to have the ability to put weights on the characters without having to use the water tank, but the way they sink as their air depletes is a huge boost to the realism. I didn't use the "focus mode" much in the last version, but I'm becoming a fan. The way it rotates on its own works well, but I would like the ability to zoom in using the mousewheel. The first-person view, on the other hand, is amazing! I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but I use it all the time. Even with in its current stage (where the camera sometimes looks "inside" the characters) it adds so much excitement to the game! Anyone who hasn't yet tried it needs to: plunk three chatacters in the pool and watch the action from their eyes. You'll be hooked!


One bug that remains from previous versions is an unwanted change in movement speed. Starting off, it's perfect, but it then changes dramatically (fast or slow) as the game progresses. It seems to be related to scrolling with the mouse-wheel, as I've noticed it often happens after dragging/moving the characters. For now, it's easily fixed by periodically going going into the options menu and adjusting movement speed. The new tools menu/wheel is a big improvement over using the keyboard numbers. I would add a way to do it using only the mouse, though. Perhaps a button on the screen or, better yet, have the tool menu activate by pressing the center button on the mouse. Changing between the tool menus could then be accomplished by using the mouse-wheel. Just an idea to better facilitate one-handed-gameplay, which many players will appreciate LOL


I'm curious as to your plans for the next version. What additions are you planning? Also, what are your thoughts on adding advanced graphical features (like DX12 and Ray Tracing) and, more importantly, support for an Xbox controller? In closing, I'm hugely impressed with how much you've improved this game since version 0.251. I'm totally hooked, and I can't wait to see the next iteration and the new character, Michiru! For now, this is the best underwater game I've ever played. Utterly fantastic, Heazhan! Thank you so much!


Love it,but old maid costume better than now,the skirt have problem i would like to ask can add some tools dismember the body in future?

ID Kurumi

I wonder when the model will be applied to the video footage I saw before the good update


Nice work, keep it on 8)


I forgot to add that I love the new lobby area! It has a surreal yet inviting feel to it with the floating squares and perfect lighting, and the assistant/secretary is very cute with her purple hair and black outfit. I wish I could let her use the desk and comfy chair! It doesn't seem fair that she has to sit on a bench while I'm having fun in the simulator LOL. Nice touch adding the little figure of Kotori on the desk, by the way :) I'm also very happy your trademark, melancholic theme music has returned. I know it's a small thing, but it adds to the overall atmosphere, and it's a signature of your games.


It was good to upload the game to itch.io, now donating is easier since before the only option was JPY and it was not easy to find that


It is definitely great! Girls are really can stand on the floor or a chair when hanged but lowered. Nice! Seems like there is periodical timer that they choose between struggling/kicking and trying standing. Oh, and now they can swim, wow! It feels good and natural, especially near to surface of the water. They don't tread water though, but floating is enough. At least now a girl able to raise her face on her own to breathe, instead of floating face down when clearly conscious. You make her buoyancy go heavier when her Oxygen Saturation is less than 25. Despite this seems pretty good (the girl fails to float anymore, flailing and sinking!), I feel this kinda odd. It should not be tied to saturation but to the Lung Volume, shouldn't it? Less air in lungs – bad floating. You may let the girl exhale rapidly instead, when her Saturation lowers to 25. I think this would be more fun to play, because otherwise any Saturation larger than 30 guarantees that the girl would survive if left.


I used Ziptie at 39-49 power to watch as a girl with 20-30 Saturation tries to not drown on the surface (just like if she couldn't swim ^^) It was also very cute to grab her ankles and pull her down, watching as she swims up using her limbs. So natural! Watching as a hanged girl barely stands on a chair, often starting to kick and almost fainting but managing to stand calmly again – is very fun too! (Despite she is not stretching her tiptoes down). You asked a feedback about voices. Generally, I think it is good for now. When a girl is fainted but breathing, I expect some sounds of strained breaths (especially if she was just rescued from the water or a strangling device). Also an idle loop of quiet breathing could be added at neutral. Using a Ziptie at 40-50 power underwater makes overlapped gasps, but that's a minor bug. P.S. Fubuki "Basic" dress is the most beautiful by far! While it is not that "sexy" as other outfits, it is just very detailed and gorgeous overall.


Now, bugs/suggestions: 1) Can you make the camera move up by Space and down by Ctrl in local coordinates again, as in previous versions? Now it is very inconvenient when you look down and want to move forward: both "S" and "Space" makes you move up but not forward along the ground. 2) On the Pool map, when a girl on Gallows or Garrote is touching the water with her feet and then released by "R" – her Pressure and Obstruction stuck at 100% (or whatever) until her body is dragged out of the water. Probably some flag is not resetting in this case. 3) When a girl falls off the map anyhow, you should either teleport her to the top of the map near to the middle, or delete automatically. 4) Make Ziptie and Strangle renewable after pressing "R" the first time! This should be simple (either on "R" key again, or on "K" key). Later, other machines could be made resettable in-place too, for example the gallows rope would stick back to the girl's neck if she is near enough.


Heazhan, do you consider adding DSS secretary to be avaliable to gameplay as well ?


It was nice to see some updates, and the girls' struggles became more natural again, which is one of the best things about the game. Obviously, some extra content will make the game more interesting, and I know you have a long list, so I'm going to add a few more, but they're relatively easy to implement. 1. Some new bindings, such as an extra rope that connects the hands and feet. This will make their struggle very interesting without adding too much work. The length of this rope can be freely controlled by the player like a noose, which is even better. 2. More obvious numbers. There's no need to click on it individually, but it shows each girl's status directly somewhere on the screen. Can be turned on and off by a separate button or option. Something that multiple girls are doing at the same time will help a lot.


3. More interactive tools. Obviously adding tools is a very interesting experiment. I'm sure everyone needs at least a whip The other parts, like more restraints, more girls, trust that you're already doing it. It was great, and I'm looking forward to what happens next.


can you add a ballerina outfit with ballet flats\slippers to the game or a outfit that has ballet slippers\ballet flats in it?


Added voices are actually good. I like it. Also the motion is now more dynamic, and striggle more when low on air is quite interesting. Some problems on 0.25 are still exists; -On chamber, using long drop gallows immediately hurl the girl through the roof. -It is not possible to adjust the length of rope of the gallows before kick the chair so it is effectively useless. Can you allow to interact with the girl before kick the chair by pulls or adjust the length of rope? And the suggestions: -Voices are good but... can you add an option to change the volume? The voices are too small to hear so I have to raise the volume a lot. Also for the sound effects. Actually all voices are too small - striggle, the name of the game when you open the game, and the assistant are too small right now and I didn't aware that there was the voice when open the game for a while -Will it better to see the length of the rope of the gallows? What about to add the similar thing to the garrote?


-What about to have an option to reduce the percentage of power affected to carotid artery pressure or limit the maximum percentage on it? For now on the gallows I did it manually to pull the girl to not fully chocked, but because gallows prevents to interact before kick the chair so it is somewhat problematic. It changes the final face(have some bloods on the head does not results red face) and greately affects the time to end(because 100% carotid artery pressure means she cannot use the air in the lung flow on the vein) so it have some meaning. -A way to pause the game and/or timer? Also what about to stop the progress and keep the girl on the current stage of blood and air? -What about to let the girls to scream when they are struck by the bullets and stungun? -Since the tools are sorted by ring commands then, what about to change the button to pin and remove the pull that is currently Insert and Delete? I only have two hands, but these keys are too far from WASD.


I found something that's not exactly a feature, but with patience you can do it. One character can drown another. Here's how: spawn one character using the water tank with the leg weight and arms tied. Pull her out of the tank and, this is rather brutal, swing around violently while holding her leg until her arms are in front of her. Next, spawn a second character with no rope or weights. Now comes the real tricky part. With the tied character on her back, position the free character on top of her. Now push and pull, alternating between the tied character's arms and the free character's head until the arms of the tied character are around the free character. Finally, carefully pull them into the water, holding the free "hugged" character. The results are mixed but always interesting; sometimes the "hugged" character gets free and survives, sometimes she doesn't, and sometimes she frees herself but drowns anyway. I would love if this became an actual feature!


Excellent work,and I’m very very looking forward to the function which can add players own vrm model into game.(*≧ω≦)


Yes! A whip please! Not, that I was waiting for it desperatly, Stun gun is already very cool! But if there would be more interactive tools to be added, I'd also like to advocate a whip (^_^)


I confirm that this works indeed. So much fun with cute struggling! The easiest way to get tied hands in front of her chest is to pin her body with some pull strings, then pull her wrists apart with many fixed strings, and then by pulling her head backwards. To put there a second girl, again fix her position, pull hands apart, and then pull there the head of the second girl (optionally with one or two arms too). Fun thing is to try to release the first girl from the stone on her leg right at the moment when she is still able to surface, while the second girl will drown. That's hard! To restart without respawning, you can just pull her leg to the bottom and fix the string, instead of using the stone again (until we get an option to re-attach it at runtime).


Thanks for the tip! I didn't realize you could pin characters until now. Shame on me for not thoroughly reading the guide LOL. This opens up a lot of possibilities and negates the need for weights, one of my biggest requests.

Anglerfish Miho

Wow I'm a huge fan of the new voice acting! I was skeptical at first because I was concerned it would sound too forced or fake but it actually works extremely well! Love the progress so far!!


So from reading your comments, I know you don't ever intend on using nude models, but that's why I'd like to report something I discovered. The maid outfit is wearing no underwear. Don't get too excited, pervs. no holes are modeled down there, however, exploring behind the cloth a bit did let me discover the belly button is fully modeled, so there is that. Just wanted to let you know you forgot to add underwear to the maid outfit though. Anyone who wants to help confirm this can do so. I reccomend spawning garrote over the pool and using an upskirt. that's how I discovered it.


Excellent game overall. I like the progress so far. I really like how they try to stand with gallows now. It's fun getting them to stand back on the stool and I like that they continue to struggle enough that they eventually fall off. There is some weirdness that happens when they try to stand starting from a kneeling position, but it's interesting. a couple of suggestions. - Untied hands should do more. I noticed that when the girls' hands are untied, they just hold them behind themselves almost as if they were still tied. They should probably be reaching for whatever is around their neck or holding them under water. - The voice acting is great, it's just missing a scream for the stun gun or projectiles. one bug I noticed is the mouth tape didn't seem to be working. I don't see anyone else mentioning it so I wonder if it's just me for some reason.


I like doing this thing, where I put a character in the water tank and one in the long drop gallows in the same place, so you get like, a jar. I let the gallows character fall, and then the water tank one, I wait until the water tank character starts to faint and I take off the weights, but before she can go up to the surface I reset the gallows and now she is uncapable of getting out, it's fun.


Personally, I'm really hyped for the story mode, I also think it would be cool to see again some parts of Manami's drowning dream, the tub was actually really fun, and maybe see Manami as a character again? I thought she was really interesting too. Something that I really enjoyed was the first person mode too, but I was wondering if there's a way to make the cursor stop rapidly blinking, I have visual hypersensitivity and it really hurts.


can you make a character that is a ballerina and wears ballet slippers\flats?


Nice! You can also release the tank character long before she starts to faint, too, for longer action. This is another feature which should be added; an enclosed water tank or a way to cover the pool. It also got me thinking, what about flooding? Say, a tank that starts with characters standing and dry, and then it fills with water. There are a lot of possibilities that wouldn't take a lot of work. The Chamber, for example, could fill with water. So could basic environments/scenarios: a bathroom with faulty plumbing, a simple building caught in a flash flood, cars, airplanes, sinking ships or other vehicles. The possibilities are endless. High detail, elaborate lighting and realism aren't needed. Bear in mind that these are only ideas. Heazhan should prioritize finishing this wonderful game as he envisions it, not become overloaded with implementing suggestions. I've played more games this year than ever before, but DSS is by far my favorite!


pls add an outfit with skinny blue jeans . i am craving :)


Appreciate so much for your splendid works as always! Hope you can introduce more hairstyles (especially ponytail) for these cute victim girls in the future if it is possible.


FYI: If you pull the hands over her head and down enough you can get the hands tied behind the post on the garotte. It's a bit awkward though and simply having an option to tie the hands behind the post would be nice.


pleaes japanese


Since the girls can now stand on they own – would you consider getting rid of "pre-hanging" non-interactive phase? A girl could spawn just standing on the chair, with actual processing of the rope. This will also solve the inability to use pull or toggle equipment before kicking the chair. Also, K-key can now throw the chair each time it is pressed, so it would be possible to return the chair manually and kick it again. Note that in Garrote, Strangling, or Lying machines, the girl is interactive from the start. Only Water tank is also requiring manual activation. But for now, improving Gallows seems to be easy, if the girl could stand upright somewhat reliable. (Just somehow calm down physics just at the moment of spawning: ragdolls have tendency to blow when they appear when something overlaps their position; for example, when spawning a lying girl on top of any machine).


I wonder if we can get the option to lengthen or shorten the long drop gallows rope before we drop em?


After removing the tape and nose clip,the character didn't make a breathing sound.Hope to fix this bug.


hello I would like to be able to personalize the girls ourselves with a possible number of clothes and hairstyles everything I will say yes please do it please thank you continue like this great


Sorry for miscalling them victims btw, cuz according to the background they are actually being helped and cured by us XD


I'm eagerly looking forward to July's DSS news, especially after clicking the Character button (looks like a person, left of the Spawning and Options buttons). For those who don't know, if you then click on the "Request" tab, there are interesting assignments from the Chairperson, Queen, and Diver. The Diver's assignments unlock the Ocean map and the Air Tank. I can't wait for this (the story) part of the game! XD


OMG this beta looks so amazing! I really love the new texture and movement of hanging girls. Fubuki with bunny wear is so beautiful, I love her expression and eyes. My only wish is that you could add the Usagi girl into this game.


damn this one is awesome, keep going on pls