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GIMM alpha

Move: WASD key

Aim/Fire: Right-click / Left-click

Roll: Spacebar

Jump: F key

Sorry for the delay. As bugs occurred and fixed, day by day passed. I don't want to delay any longer, so I'm releasing it now.

I think it would be appreciated if you play with the thought of checking the feel of the controls and the game.

There is a lot of content that hasn't been implemented yet. I have various thoughts, so please look forward to this part.

Current bugs:

- In the animation of the robot, the angle of the arm is rotated excessively

- Melee attacks from robots do no damage

- The lighting looks strange in some sections

If you find any other bugs, please report it to me!




nice work,I wonder whether you can let the player press ‘E’ or something to remove the nail beside shoot her body till it broke.Anyway,I am satisfied with the alpha versions ,keep it up^ ^.


The girl lying on the side is very cute:) Hope to rotate the camera after death


slick little game. Here are my though: walking being default movement makes things awkward. perhaps either speed it up or make running the default and toggle being able to walk. I guess it depends if you want the game to be run-and-gun or more tactical. Only being able to fire while aiming makes it difficult when you get swarmed like in the last room with the 5 robots. Hipfire would be nice for those situations. Being able to move the camera between the left and right shoulder would be handy for checking corners. Once I finished the level I started messing around with the controls and found that aiming will enable you to sprint in all 8 directions when holding both right click and shift. Makes the game feel very Arena Shooter like which I liked. It just comes at the detriment of lowering your field of view considerably.


found a bug where if you aim down sights while looking as downwards as possible, the character model freaks out


Since it's an early alpha, I will not tell any suggestions about gameplay, animations or physics (maybe just one: make right-click act as toggle, not requiring to hold the button), instead I want to share a simple arithmetic formula that I like. It could make any game SMOOTH ! When you have any variable X (it can be anything: a speed, a color, a coordinate, a gauge level, a scale factor) and you want it to change from current value to new target value – you can always make is smooth, by using another variable: X+=(T-X)/S; where T is the new value (for example, health after hit; or camera changed angle) and S is a constant smooth factor (typically from 2 to 16, picked by trial). This way, for example with "Health-=HitAmount" in a hit handler, you may write in your frame loop: "SmoothHealth+=(Health-SmoothHealth)/3" and then pick SmoothHealth as the true health value for display. I always use this method in every aspect of my games, starting from character motion (smooth acceleration).


Unfortunately, this smooth function is "discrete": it needs to run at constant steps (typically in game main loop each frame) and cannot be "half-applied". For Unity's deltaTime, the recurrent equation should be solved, and the solution is X=T+(((S-1)/S)^D)*(X-T); where D is the step delta (for example, "2" is like applying previous version two times), probably you can just pass Time.deltaTime. In terms of javascript, those functions are: function smooth_step(X,T,S){ return X+(T-X)/S; }; function smooth_time(X,T,S,D){ return (X-T)*Math.pow((S-1)/S,D)+T; }; I suggest you to try to use these formulas in your games, proxying some of important game variables (like camera speed or health gauges). To remove smoothing afterwards, just pass "1" for S. Probably, Unity already has its own implementation for this type of smoothing (Mathf.SmoothDamp?), but I am not familiar with it. But I saw a lot of Unity games that could be made much smoother if a method like this would be used!


I look forward to completion


The problem seems to be coming from having the bone face in the direction it is aiming. I'll check the limit angle once more. thank you!


I completely understand your comment. When I make a game, it seems that I tend to focus on implementing features rather than making it look good. I think it will be a good reference. thank you!


I played it and like it so far but I hope the game gets some options for the controls and especially for the camera and aim sensitivity because aiming with the mouse was good but as soon as I start using my controller the aiming was way to shaky what makes it almost impossible to hit but I admit I'm not good with shooter games generally!


Game feels great! It's very responsive and the animations and gameplay are smooth. I tried rolling into walls and wedging myself into objects, but I wasn't able to clip through anything. The only thing that clips a bit seems to be walking into bodies and pushing them into the wall or objects. For gameplay, it was a little awkward not being able to hip-fire in close combat situations. Maybe an alternative could be a melee attack? Or some kind of shove. Overall though, this is coming along great!! I originally wasn't planning on playing this, but this little demo got me interested! ^ ^


Hi, i just now saw this game, and i really enjoyed it! If you plan to continue it, maybe you could make it happen that you can save some girls from executions, like, when i see the girl hanging in the last room, she is still kicking, and if i want, i can save her, or i can just leave her kick until she dies. Anyways, nice job! I really love your hangings!


I was only working with my aiming sensitivity. I will definitely add an option for this.


Considering the enemies engaged in close combat, hipfire seems like a must-have feature. For melee attacks, I'm going to add a melee weapon.


As the game progresses, I plan to add a lot of such scenes in terms of story or direction!


Just in case if you find robots being too much of a strain on you use vehicles. Saves a lot of work depending on how they are used.