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Fanbox's latest TOS update now explicitly prohibits directing users off-site to download content. I will have to take extra measures to make sure I'm not affected by this while still offering the same rewards to fans. The method for downloading my files will remain the same. However, the format of my posts on this site will have to change. I will make no more direct mention of discord in my posts. Invites will be distributed via the newsletter function (envelope icon in the top right). This will be sent out after every new post, and once per week if I do not have a new artwork to post that week. This means that new fans may have to wait a bit before receiving an invite, but never more than a few days. If you're already in the server, then this will not affect you. I will make no more mention of passwords in my posts, however the passwords themselves will remain at the very bottom of each one as a small string of numbers and letters. You will be able to continue using them as normal. Fanbox posts will now have images that mirror what I post on pixiv (downscaled, censored if necessary). Thank you all for your support. I encourage you to reply or message me with any questions if anything here is confusing. Hopefully I can continue safely using Fanbox in this way. I will now be editing as many past posts as I can to reflect these changes. フリザ



Do you have a reason to prefer Fanbox over something like SubscribeStar?


There are some I want to avoid outright (namely Patreon) and Fanbox was rather easy to set up and it linked nicely with my Pixiv page. Over time I set up a system around it and it worked perfectly well, though now things may change. Subscribestar might be my next best choice if I have to move.

Gog Magog

Just curious to know why patreon is a bad choice? If you mind explaining


Mainly their dodgy history around anime-styled NSFW content and the weird standards that they hold about characters appearing childlike when they're obviously not. It's not a risk that I'd like to take.