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Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It's celebrated at the turn of the lunar calendar, usually in late January or early February. The exact date changes each year. It's a time for families to gather together, clean the house, and decorate with red lanterns and banners. Red is considered a lucky color in Chinese culture and is believed to ward off evil spirits. On New Year's Eve, families have a big feast, usually featuring traditional Chinese foods such as dumplings and fish. Fireworks are also set off at midnight to ring in the new year. The next day is the first day of the new year, and is often spent visiting relatives and friends, giving red envelopes filled with money to children, and participating in lion and dragon dances. The holiday lasts for 15 days, and different activities are held each day. It's a time for people to relax, have fun, and celebrate the start of a new year.



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