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差不多就是碧藍航線日服6週年,上年我畫了我最愛的泳裝歐根和埃吉爾,今年就打算畫點自己喜歡的元素,算是比較有個人特色吧哈哈,所以畫了機甲兔女郎的企業和奇爾沙治,兩個都是我最近很喜歡的角色,兔兔馬上畫起來 ! 很期待6週年的新老婆 ! 不過因為這張是用作官方活動的投稿作品,所以也不方便做差分,對此感到很抱歉,而現在我就準備開始畫一張私稿,大約會花一至兩星期吧,之後應該會更新6週年的新角色或碧藍的稿子吧,到時候再見吧,謝謝~ It is almost the 6th anniversary of Azur Lane JP server, it is an art I used to join the official fan art recruiting event, I drew bikini Eugen and Agir last year so I decided to make art with my favorite elements (bunny+mecha suit) this year. In the result, I have drawn a bunny mecha suit Enterprise and Kearsarge, hope you love it as well ^^ I am looking forward to the coming new waifu! Btw, Since it is an official recruiting art, I think it is not a good idea to make any NSFW versions and any commercial use for this work, I am sorry about that. I am going to do a private commission now, it may take me 1-2 weeks, I think I may draw the new characters/ Azur Lane commission after that. See you after it ^^
