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S: "uughhh..uggh...please please let me go..I can't take this pressure anymore" G: "Naah..can't do that. Tonight, I plan on crushing you like the bug that you are and these massive legs are just perfect for that job. Hey, at least you've the privilege of worshipping my quads and stare at my beautiful feet as I scissor the shit out of you." S: "Oh God.....please no....please....I beg you...oh these fucking thighs..ugghhh" G: "uh uh...show them respect bug-boy. The more you struggle the more I squeeze. That's the formula. You can't budge my thighs or calves even by a cm with those puny arms let alone hope to free yourself from them. These babies are hungry and they are gonna eat you up." *crack* *snap* S: "ughhhh...*cough* *cough*..ugghh..you're breaking my ribbbss...ughhh." G: "Awww, really? But I am not even injecting my full strength into the squeeze cuz I thought I'd play with you for a bit before I go for the kill. Oops....you're coughing up blood? Did I just bust your liver too or is it one of the broken ribs stabbing your lungs? This is fun. Lemme continue then..squeeeeeze.......pop goes the lil spidey boy <3" S: "aaaaaaghhh........." *crack* G: "Huh? Hey Pete? Yo web-boy, your ass still here with me or nah? You've gone completely limp. Was that your spine I just heard cracking over my left thigh?" S: .......... G: "Looks like I was right, just loving this new power. I'm sticking with the dark side forever hahaha." Spiderman getting snapped by Gwenom was requested by Whitescar.



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