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Shermie: "You wanted a secret panty shot? Well why didn't say so punk! Here I have taken it all off just for you, how's the view now so up close from between my thighs? enjoy now <3" Victim: "mmphh..mmph...." Shermie: "Huh? What's that boy? okay lemme let you speak a bit." Victim: "pwheeze..phweeze miss.. phweeze don't shqueeze me anymoo...phweeze shhtop..uwaaaa...uggh my hand...my hand..phweeze don't break my fingers...I beg you..pwheeze lemme go..I am sho sorrrr..." Shermie: "Boooring..not interested. Let's continue <3" Victim: "aaaaaghhhhhhh......." *crack* *crack* Shermie: "Oops...did I just accidentally pop your jaw? or was that your skull? oh your neck maybe? geez, I can't tell it from here but I can see you've relieved yourself in the pants! awww how cute just like a newborn hehehe <3" Shermie standing reverse headscissor was requested by qq2498429835.



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