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Hey, i know is almost been a month, and i can't believe that you guys still here with me, i cannot expresse how happy that makes me, also i really had to pause working on content since these last two weeks is been a hell on earth to me and those who i love, past week i was sick, the whole week, my left ear got infected and for that it got really inflamed, so i had to take lotsof meds, plus it was extremelly painfull, for like 4-5 days, now im better but oh god lord, the begining of this week kindly recieved me with an earthquake, the strongest i ever feel, tbh it was a scary situation, and really scary, on thursday again, a second one, was a lot softer than the one in monday, but yesterday, i literally couldn't sleep, since a third one hit, almost as hard as the first one, luckilly enough nothing happened, but man i think i developed ptsd, i am super sensitive to movement, even involuntary movements that my body makes makes me think that is an earthquake when it's not, you guys deserve a lot and i'll try my best once this months ends, since rn is like living a nightmare, pls give me a little bit of patience, i promise i'll comeback stronger qnd harder, thats pretty much everything i have to say, peace love yall💜



Take your time and rest for as long as you can, you deserve it 🙏