03/01~【重要/Important】リニューアルについて/Notice of Tier Revisions and Hosting Platform Changes (Pixiv Fanbox)
BASIC(500円)→ LEGACY(500円)
これまでDANZIENGINEのFANBOXでは、BASIC(500円)コースとCOMPLETE(1000円)コースをご用意し、500円でほぼ全ての記事を閲覧可能、COMPLETEではさらに過去の全アーカイブにアクセスできる「COMPLETE BOX」の記事へのアクセスを可能とし、差別化を図って参りました。
**[Important] Notice of Tier Revisions and Hosting Platform Changes:**
Hello, everyone! Danzi Engine would like to thank you all for your continued support!
This is Yuji Shiba, creator of Danzi Engine, with an announcement regarding upcoming changes in our tier plans and their pricing.
**Tier Revisions:**
Firstly, the changes to our tier titles will be as follows:
“BASIC” (500 JPY) → “LEGACY” (500 JPY)
“COMPLETE” (1000 JPY) → “ULTIMATE” (1000 JPY)
Up until now, Danzi Engine’s Fanbox has offered the “BASIC” tier (500 JPY) which allowed access to almost all content and the “COMPLETE” tier (1,000 JPY), which allowed complete access to all content and past archives.
However, since there have been no additional updates to “COMPLETE,” the difference between both tiers has become redundant. So, in order to introduce more suitable plans, we will be implementing the following changes:
1. The new “LEGACY” tier (500 JPY) grants access to the latest and greatest of Danzi Engine’s animations! This features immediate access to all content that is less than two years old!
2. The new “ULTIMATE” tier (1,000 JPY) grants access to the entire library of Danzi Engine’s content including our past archives, which features works that are 2 years old and older!
This creates more flexible avenues between those who want to see Danzi Engine’s latest and those who want to experience its entire library of content!
**Hosting Platform Changes:**
In addition, we have also been uploading to Gigafile for the best quality downloads, but have felt the need to address Gigafile’s 100 Day download deadline by switching to a new hosting platform.
Therefore, effective March 1st, 2024, the distribution method and plan contents will be completely revised, in order to improve convenience for our supporters:
Danzi Engine will now be using **MEGA**, a stable online storage service with high security and accessibility, to manage our content as a whole.
These updates are scheduled to take place on March 1, 2024, so if there are any works for our supporters that have not yet been downloaded, we highly recommend that you download them now!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Once again, we thank you all for your continued support of Danzi Engine!
I made a Kazuma card~!