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I am thinking about a couple of new features:

1) Most creators (but not me) have "next animation poll" after each animation so you can vote for character being used in the next animation. Do you need this type of polls? Or you want element of surprise each time?

2) Our channel has multiple levels of support, but they all have the same benefits (no additional benefits for higher tiers). I think that temporary exclusivity is the best option (so all tiers will have access to all my content eventually):

"Extra supporter"s will have access to new animations 1 day before release

"Huge FAN"s - 2 days before release

For long animations (like recent "Pure shotacon") temporary exclusivity will last longer (I am still thinking about exact number of days, but not longer than a week)

Let me know what you think about these ideas.

Maybe you can suggest a couple of your own?




Next animation poll would be a great idea


I think the poll idea is a way to go so that not only could we vote on stuff you are considering animating, but you could also find out what your supports like as well.


Personally don't like polls, since i've seen some once niche artists moving towards other fetishes due to them (guro and generic furry to name two) simply because the original fans were outweighted. Of course, if it's all the same niche but with x chars, then i guess it wouldn't be too bad. Anyway, you're the boss. And i've been very happy with what you've decided on so far. So i trust your senses.


While I like the idea of polls, there needs to be a way to ensure the same character doesn't keep getting selected. You could do the most popular and then the next one is the least popular or you could just do periodic polls or polls around special events like the holidays or some other theme. Honestly, the way you do things now is fine with me but I suppose a little variety never hurts.


Maybe also giving higher level bonuses access to streams watching you animate, discounts on commission, or if they stay at high level for a year some type of free goodie, I've seen those all for artists. I would love to see a poll for all of us to vote on, though, and if you have any ideas you think are better as surprises, just cancel the poll for that month, etc.


Polls are nice, but I kinda like the "luck of the draw" aspect of your creations