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My Twitter exceeded 30k followers some time ago, thank you for your continued support! To celebrate that, I prepared some benefits for you. 1- Choice of previous rewards: Within one month from the event's start, sponsors who subscribe to my SR (basic) pack or over, can choose a set of previous rewards and get them through Gumroad. https://namazu2020.fanbox.cc/posts/4131630 2- Do it again! : Special vote ①, among the 21 characters from the 2020.2 update to June 2022, which characters do you want to see again? Please vote for your preferred ones, the top vote can be added to the next update! https://namazu2020.fanbox.cc/posts/4131750 3- A chance to return! : Special Voting ②, a collection of characters that lose their votes in the past, if you have a favourite character, now is the chance! The top vote can be added to the next update! https://namazu2020.fanbox.cc/posts/4131987 Please keep supporting me in the future❤ - 推特在前段时间突破了30k关注啦,感谢大家一直以来的支持! 作为庆祝,决定给大家准备点福利,以及一些趣味互动。 1- 往期奖励自选: 自活动开始的一个月时效内,订阅SR(basic)档位及以上的赞助者可以自选一套往期奖励,通过Gumroad进行获取。 https://namazu2020.fanbox.cc/posts/4131630 2- 再来一次!: 特别投票①,自2020.2更新开始到2022.6月的21位人物中,有哪些是想再看一次的角色?请给你喜欢的他宝贵的一票吧!最高票数即可加入之后的更新! https://namazu2020.fanbox.cc/posts/4131750 3-返场机会!: 特别投票②,往期人物投票的落选角色合集,若有心仪的角色,现在便是机会!最高票数即可加入之后的更新! https://namazu2020.fanbox.cc/posts/4131987 今后也拜托大家支持啦❤



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