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Looks like characters come next has decided. There is only 58 votes in all, I suspect not all of you used 3 votes, or just not notice there is vote going on... I realize Fanbox now have function allow me to send you all DM, I will using that next time just for notification. Ideally, there should be 3 characters, however, as Raihan and Vane share the same vote, I decided to include him as the 4th character😃. The sequence is shown in picture, first one come next is Achilles. What do you like to see with Achilles? Any fetish want to suggest me?😋 - 接下来的角色已经选定了。最终有58票,我想可能有人并没有将3票用完,或者忘记投票了。之后我会用DM的功能进行事前提醒。 原本是要票选出3人,但由于Vane的票数和奇巴纳相同,所已决定将其加入第四人😃。 四人的顺序如图,下一位是阿喀琉斯,大家想看到怎样的阿喀琉斯呢?请把你想看到的性癖告诉我😋




i am looking forward to seeing it! can i suggest something with a forced orgasm 👀


I don't know why but the specific kink of a track-runner Cruising for men outdoors comes to mind XD. I mean, the track-runner fitting with Achilles's interests. Especially wearing sexy track clothes like small running-shorts, athletic pants, jock-strap, tight running shirt or deep cut muscle-tank..... This seemed really specific but mainly I'm just getting at Cruising for men/ Public Sex with Strangers as the fetish lol.

柊 桐古

喀戎 x 阿喀琉斯 ( Chiron x Achilles ) 種馬交配。


種馬交配 Also a good idea XD. I second this lol




I like his boxer costume in that one art in FGO, and perhaps a "bukkake" scene with him and the Agronauts. My other personal fetish is probably "public use" like what one person suggested with Achilles offering himself to multiple people. But anything would be great since Achilles is one of my favorite servants~


I actually really want to draw Chiron in his centaur appear, but the anatomy of the horse is just difficult, last time I try in commission was such a struggle 😂




🙌 Always have the fetish of public, just like that sneaky feeling of doing kinky stuff in public, risking being discovered, sounds a bit pervert though... but I think last reward has already proves that fetish in me


You are welcome to suggest anything! I can`t promise it will apply in the next reward, but always good inspiration for me when my brain dry out💕


Its even hotter when the cockier characters (Achilles) does it lol. Like they wouldn't be afraid at all and just openly accept gloryholes or fucks at the sinks XD


oh wait am i too late for this? i mean i would kill for a boobjob from Achilles but i would still want to see his butt ahhh this is way too hard