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这次的搜集的结果会从4月开始应用, 投票可能会在外链进行, 最终票选出3位角色按票数顺序按月进行绘制。



Which characters do you want to see in future updates? Please write down the character you want in the comments! As before, please better attach a reference link of the character, just in case I find the wrong person.

The results of this vote will be applied from April to June. Voting may be carried out on the external webs. 3 characters who win the vote will be drawn on a monthly basis in order of the number of votes.

Before each character is drawn, I will also collect your delusions about the role, and selectively included in the final reward, I hope you can actively respond by then!

*comment collecting/收集时间:now ~ 3.15

*voting/投票时间:3.15 ~ 3.30




I'd love to see Vane from Granblue Fantasy! https://gbf.wiki/Vane_%28SSR%29#/media/File:Npc_zoom_3040117000_81.png


I would love to have Doctor x SilverAsh from Arknights, especially in his Coral Coast skin. My preference is bottom SilverAsh but if it is not to your liking, it is fine! Reference: https://gamepress.gg/arknights/sites/arknights/files/2020-08/char_172_svrash_summer%234.png


Is there a limit? If not then my nominations are.. NANATSU NO TAIZAI: - BAN https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nanatsu-no-taizai/images/3/32/Ban_Anime_Season_3_Design.png/revision/latest?cb=20190809211311 - SHIN https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nanatsu-no-taizai/images/9/98/Shin_GC.png/revision/latest?cb=20200515193115 FAIRY TAIL : - AZUMA http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120127221416/fairytail/images/0/04/Azuma's_Full_Body.jpg - GAJEEL REDFOX https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/3/3f/Gajeel_Redfox_GMG.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20121006063002 GRANBLUE FANTASY: - VANE https://gbf.wiki/Vane_%28SSR%29#/media/File:Npc_zoom_3040117000_81.png - BARAWA https://gbf.wiki/Barawa_(Event)#/media/File:Npc_zoom_3030154000_81.png FIRE EMBLEM HEROES: - BRUNO https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/6/62/Mysterious_Man.png/revision/latest?cb=20170120192427


Yay finally back! Going to make things easier and go with the guy I usually suggested in the past. Achilles from the Fate series. IDK, the outfit isn't that import on the link but I wanna use the better looking reference I could get of him lol. Just to round out the really good shower pics you did of Chiron a while ago. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/e/e5/CE1038.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/512?cb=20190803104154


动画:关于我转生成为史莱姆这件事 人物:红丸 剧情:大触手深入身体,触手play,或者和苍兰一起 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%BA%A2%E4%B8%B8/22431979


希望大大能出一些黑皮大奶的色图~ 比如:出自Fate Grand Order里的 马嘶(日文:アシュヴァッターマン;英文:Ashvatthaman)参考:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/85440329 , 还有宝可梦剑盾里的 奇巴纳(日文:キバナ;英文:Raihan)参考:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/80156448 , 还有(有完没完!)黄金神威里的 鲤登音之进 (日文:鯉登 音之進;英文:Otonoshin Koito)参考:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87459176 。 总之黑皮大奶超香~希望大大能考虑~大大画啥都超棒超香!


Noooo, I didn't mean to vote for myself XD. Not sure if likes are the voting system lol.


https://www.google.com/search?q=achilles+fgo&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALeKk0303SlUrKhKTwPRpI2uK2nPiBEMyQ:1614848132981&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv_dOKopbvAhVPVs0KHb3cDWkQ_AUoAXoECAMQAQ&biw=412&bih=757&dpr=2.63#imgrc=V7ePDEIIM6qoGM But it seems like my first image link doesn't work




That`s actually a good idea!😃 It didn`t come to my mind before you say it... Using like just more straight-forward and time saving, and having name and pics all together. To have a poll with pics I even paid my vote this time just to have "add pics" function...