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Hi all,

This is just a little thing. All about the BUTT which, I'm sure you know, is my favorite thing ever. I just love this L character's butt and I wish I had used her more but here we are. So, I want to post ONE of the images to my main pixiv but I'm not sure which one. Vote in DMs or comments below for 1 or 2 and I'll post that one to pixiv. Thanks! Some new S coming to you soon!


これはちょっとしたことです。 知っていると思いますが、これまでで一番好きなBUTTについてです。 私はこのLキャラクターのお尻が大好きで、もっと彼女を使っていればよかったのですが、ここにあります. ということで、メインのpixivに1枚投稿したいのですが、どれがいいのかわかりません。 DMかコメントで1~2を投票してください。pixivに投稿します。 ありがとう! いくつかの新しい S が間もなく登場します。

pw: zizimforpixiv





I prefer 1, it looks more playful than the other one. She's one of my favorites of your girls, and I also wish you did more with her but, again, here we are.


I think 1 is better. The upright pose shows off her figure more and looks more natural.


Yeah, I focused too much on the butt in 2. You and Boomer are both right. 1 is best. Thanks!