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The end of this wonderful series is here and the mystery of the bunny boys is revealed! I hope you all have enjoyed this series as much as I have making it. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do next but I have some ideas I'm working through at the moment via renders. I'll want your input on perhaps the direction of something I'm working on at the moment but not ready to show anything yet.

素敵なシリーズの完結編、バニーボーイの謎が明らかに! 私がこのシリーズを作っているのと同じくらい、皆さんがこのシリーズを楽しんでくれたことを願っています。 次に何をしようとしているのかはよくわかりませんが、現在、レンダリングを介して取り組んでいるアイデアがいくつかあります。 おそらく、私が現在取り組んでいるが、まだ何かを示す準備ができていないものの方向性について、あなたの意見を求めたいと思います.

pw: pixivzizim4




A beautiful finale. I must admit I was hoping for bunny boy butt spelunker to be turned into some fine chocolate but this is a brilliant twist!


Love it! Very good work, can't wait to see what you have planned for the next series!


Thanks! I was tempted to turn him into chocolate but I needed to reveal the mystery of the bunny boys!


Yup, one of the few times I've been pleasantly surprised not see a digestive transformation. Still adore the the egg being pushed out with a frrt and stretching the hole.


That's a really cool method of reproduction. I kind of want to be the next victim.


Well, I had to make SOME concession to the scat lovers. I enjoyed imagining it as a loud ejection myself.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. A happy "ending" for everyone.


Well technically you don't "have" to make a concession but I for one really do appreciate it. Hopefully it doesn't tear you up too much inside.😉