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I made loli and shota versions of this one cause I wanted to see both! As you all know, a loli ass and a shota ass offer different delights. A renowned loli and shota lover hits on the wrong boy/girl in town and finds himself under new pressures as the result of his love. This one is inspired by classical arabic poetry of the 8th Century. Not so much the giant anal vore part as the spending an evening in a boy's asshole.

Hope you like!

両方見たかったので、この1つのロリとショタバージョンを作りました! ご存知のように、ロリアスとショタコンは別の楽しみを提供します。 有名なロリとショタの恋人が町で間違った男の子/女の子を襲い、彼の愛の結果として新しいプレッシャーにさらされていることに気づきます。 これは、8世紀の古典的なアラビア語の詩に触発されています。 男の子の嫌いな人で夜を過ごすほど、巨大な肛門の部分はありません。


pw: zizimforpixiv




Beautiful hole detail! Can just imagine them flexing open


Thank you! The hole on the shota came out so much better. It's really a thing of beauty. You can feel the warmth and the humidity of it!


Yup, very easy to get sucked in or blown away in a gust of wind. Depends on the whim of the giant and the natural processes of their body.


The file you requested was dead for too long! Lain is getting it back right now though!