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So, in the course of coming up with new ideas or posing out new scenes, I often times come up with a scene that I think would be hot to see only to hit up against an obvious problem when dealing with size fetish material: "um...that would be hot if that shota fucked that person but his dick is taller than they are."

Since I don't really like pain in my porn, generally, I just have to let it go.

Which is why I've created the "Riad." It's a hidden away spot in the Mediterranean where normal sized shota, loli, and the grown ups who love them can enjoy each other in peace. I'm not sure how many or how frequently I'll do these but they'll be one-offs without deference to story, character, etc. Bodies, characters, even the structure may change at whim. I may throw in a macro character once in a while if I feel it suits what I wanna do. I may also add a bigger pool since, as many of you who have been following me for a while might note, I love naked bodies and bodies of water.

Anyway, I'm very curious to hear your opinion on these and if there's scenarios with my characters that you'd like to play out in normal size. Obviously, these will not be the focus of my work as I am, at heart, a size fetish artist.

Without further ado, here are the first few images featuring a woman letting a shota do whatever he wants to her face. Then, a man preparing to use that same boy and finally: my gayest scene yet? Hard to say. A man pleases a young teen in ectascy while another boy is propositioned in the background.

ですから、新しいアイデアを思いついたり、新しいシーンをポーズしたりする過程で、サイズのフェチ素材を扱うときに明らかな問題にぶつかるだけで見るのが辛いと思うシーンを思いつくことがよくあります。 ...あのショタがその人を犯したとしたら、それは暑いでしょうが、彼のペニスは彼らより背が高いです。」






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