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I was suppose to make this announcement yesterday.

Since my cat got her leg crushed (her leg ot stuck on a table with those foldable X legs) and end up with a very big problem to take care now, so it will affect a bit the content output since my nii is taking care of the requests while I take care of the comms/animations and since we are working at the same time, the render line gets a bit extense and we may have to go to the vet to check my cat, so please be patient with us. I will not be sending pics this time like I did with my other cat because.... is very graphic.......

Said that, content may get a small delay to be release, normally it is send at the end of the day but now it may be send right when I wake on the next day due to the rendering taking some time to finish.

[For members]

the processing of past files will be a bit slow since Emi is busy transcoding the booru files, so the cpu is always at 50% which forces me to use pc-chan to transcode the files, so having files transcoding and KKS rendering or VS Code converting the raws will cause some slowdown on the process.


So far the stuff seems to be going well, maybe gonna take a week or two for all the videos to be processed to AV1 and maybe 15 minutes to just apply them to the booru (aaand maybe a day for cloudflare actually notice the new files and cache them).

and yes, that's mean my room is basically a sauna 24/7 now



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