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As you guys can see, the tensions China x USA is just raising and i'm on a country that plan in defend taiwan against china, so i decide to move from japan temporally until that tensions drop. This will happen at the end of this month, i will need at least 2 weeks to stabilish everything, until there i will keep working on the requests as much possible.

now just some small notes that everyone will maybe ask, yes we already have a house on the other country (that i will not speak the name for reasons) with everything we need already in place like, internet, water, gas, etc. So when we arrive (takes 2 days to go to here to the other country) we will just make a cleanup and organize the stuff to start working on the requests again and hopefully start the streams at my twitch channel again.

I guess for now that's all



Good luck and stay safe


Best of luck, hope all goes well