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New page added: “EXTRA 3: The Researcher and Kirito”


https://flamingmoon.fanbox.cc/posts/407818 (hair-free)

https://flamingmoon.fanbox.cc/posts/1040526 [毛] (中国語)

https://flamingmoon.fanbox.cc/posts/1040538 (中国語)


Kirito: Elhhh…


I admired you so much. You saved my life in SAO. And I was so happy when I knew I had a chance to work with you.

But I never imagine the real Kirito has become a piece of rotten meat like this. You’re so disappointing. You were so cute and powerful.

It is really a hassle to stuff you rectum back into your butt and keep it there. The urethral beads can keep your muscles in that areal clenched and keep the asshole temporary closed.

But I am not sure how long this trick will continue to work when your body gets used to this stimulation.

What are these dark and huge lumps of meat, packed with sensory nerves and milk! They are so sensitive that when every I touch them, your body just cramp like out of control. You cannot even control your bladder… what a piece of garbage you are, Kirito!

I can’t believe I was saved by this piece of scum. You’re so ugly and yet so sexy! I cannot fuck you asshole because it’s so loose. But fortunately, a new opening is created out of your broken body.

Hey, I am just working with your deformed nipples and you’re already in orgasm. You really love being squeezed in these ugly nipples so much?! What a piece of junk.

I think you really have the biggest nipples among all creatures in the history of this planet. Well, at least there is still a thing that the Black Swordsman can be proud of.

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Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the character(s) depicted in this artwork (fan art). This is solely for the enjoyment of the fans of the anime and no copyright infringement is intended.

Thanks to 落雪冰痕 ( https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=11885323 ) for his volunteer effort to translate this series into Chinese.



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