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Pledges had been rising since this FANBOX page launched. However, the upward trend began to reverse (slightly) since couple months ago.

It started after GxG was launched. Is that a coincidence? Or are they correlated? Or are there any other reasons that can explain the phenomenon? I am happy hear from you folks to gain some insights.




Hello, in my case, i like support you with the "Ultimate Plan 最高 の プ ラ ン", but in this period i can't because i need to save money. These are difficult times, so I prefer to support you one month yes and one month no. I'm honestly not interested in "Girls x Guro ガールxグロ" i prefer male characters. I hope this could help. Thank you for your works, they are very well done!


According to my observation, GXG doesn't affect the updating rate of other works, so even if I'm not interested in girls, I don't have a problem with it. But I do think it might have something to do with it. This is just my personal opinion. Thank you for your works!☺️


I actualy prefer male characters... than girl, and please bring back "Trap for the fighters" haha, if you do i'm gonna support you again


I have support you even back when you first started Patreon before moving to Fanbox and keep my pledge every months. I won't lie, when "GxG" was first announced I wasn't very thrilled because I thought it would cut into the update of male guro stuff (the main reason why I started following and supporting you). I did consider stopping my pledge back then if the update time for male guro was cut but after some observation I realized it wasn't the case so I continued with my pledge. Some people may not realize that so my suggestion is that you make a post telling people GxG would not cut into update time of male guro so they can don't have to worry.


Another possible reason is that maybe because of the Covid pandemic is still going on and people need to save money so pledges will drop, when the pandemic is under control maybe pledges will pick up again? Just my two cents on the matter.


"Trap for top fighters" is also my favorite series of yours so I also hope it will be continued in the future :D


I have summarized the post number a bit February:11 boys 4 girls (Total:15) January: 13 boys 7 girls(Total:20) December 12 boys November 11 boys October: 15 boys So i don't think number of boy's pic is that affected. However, I think I know why some people switch from 1600plan back to 1000plan. Actually, I am one of those who switch from 1000 to 1600 when it is released very early. It is because I notice some characters may be released in GF earlier than G, such as Suzaku and Cloud. However, it seems this is no longer the trend(not sure is this the fact or not, just a feeling) and I don't really need the GXG and GF contents. So I have to admit I am thinking of switching back to 1000 plan seriously.


By the way, I do think remaking the old Kirito Series occupy much of your time but generate not so much return(at least in my case). As an old fan of your art, I have read the series long time ago. I admit remaking it does makes me happy as I like Kirito very much. However, when GF started, you have to re-create this long series in GF again. I have to admit that I feel a bit disappointed each time I got a notification that you have uploaded a new work and find out that it is a GF rework of Kirito. I am not sure how much time you need to rework a Kirito pic when comparing with drawing a new one. But I do think releasing more new characters (eg,Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen, who nearly a must -draw character for R18 yaoi creator recently) or drawing more variation of the old popular ones will help attracting more new fans.


I have to pause my support for a few months because my finacial situation got tighter in the past months. But I plan to support again in the future.


I'm not interested in "Girls x Guro ガールxグロ"! But i'm interested in the boys hero storys and a gaping scean (Guro, Blood und Amputee is not so my big interest).


Not interested in girls too.


It's going to be hard to get an accurate picture of what the true cause is since people who aren't subscribed anymore probably won't be bothering to post here. Having said that, personally, while I'm still subscribed, I preferred when there were a more limited set of long-term series (e.g. Nick the Hero, Sosuke's Revenge, Breaking of the hero, Powerboys, etc.) rather than a bunch of one-off or short sequences (torture chamber, fallen cuties, etc.). While there are plenty of hot guys in the one-offs/shorter sequences, I think the story sequences have more varied and interesting poses and a slower and more enjoyable progression of destruction and degradation. I'm also not that interested in the Kirito updates because while the art's improved, I've already seen the original images. (Though I could just be biased because Kirito isn't my type also).


Why i stopped becoming a fan? - Lack of new Male X Guro content - Not interested in female contents - Not interested in remakes of old series - Want new Male X series or continuation of existing ones like "Trap for the fighters" but there is no plan when we will get them


Thank you for your inputs. They are very insightful. They give me Here are the potential issues: 1.Economic environment, which is a global issue beyond my control. 2.GxG is not demanded. I will consider the possibility of discontinuation. 3.Guro vs. Guro-Free. This one is more tricky and complicated. This was meant to cater viewer who are not interest in amputees. I need to think it over. 4.One-off and short stories. This brings more varieties to the gallery. But inevitably slows down the 2 main on-going stories. I would like to hear more from you.


But the timing of the downturn is still a mystery. I happened in the month right after GxG was launch, which, honestly, is the opposite of what I expected. The main schedule is to post a new update every third day. 2 Guro + 1 GF cycle. (I can’t believe I could keep this uninterrupted for so many years 😖) Kirito (guro) remake updates are extra and does not interrupt the schedule. GxG updates every Saturday and does not interfere with the main schedule either.


About the one-off vs longer stories, I like both of them personally. However, I think one-off (2-3pages) can help expanding your fan base more as more characters can be covered.


totally agree, i would like to know the author plan about "trap for top fighters"


I also like both one-off pictures and long series. Long stories have good pacing for viewers to enjoy the slow destruction of the victim but the one-off pictures are very hot too and with the one-offs we also get more range of victims to enjoy. I especially enjoy the "Torture Chamber" and the "Hero Tormentor" because they are brutal so I hope there will be more updates for them too.


On the one-off vs long series, I think my favorite part of the long series is seeing the characters resist, fight back, and lose hope as they're destroyed. And also seeing their bodies change and slowly become corrupted rather than only seeing the end-point. Plus, there's more plot and more variety in poses too imo.


On the GxG stuff, while I'm not personally interested, I think the reason why it might not have been as popular is because it's targeted at at entirely different audience (bi/straight guys and lesbians). Personally, I found your stuff because I've been following you since before fanbox, since I liked your gay art on pixiv. And I think most of your fans also found you through pixiv. I think straight guys don't know about your fanbox or don't give it a chance because your pixiv doesn't have much female art, and the fanbox previews for the females is heavily censored. Also, the tags don't seem to be commonly searched tags for that type of art (I think, I don't read japanese). Plus, straight fans who click into your account might be turned away by the huge amount of gay art. Not sure what the solution is; I've seen some artists create a separate account for their straight gallery. Most of the artists I follow only really post one type of art or largely focus on one type of art though.


Thank you all for your thoughts. They gave me a good idea of how I should adjust the future direction. It will be announced shortly 😀


I hope you focus on new story instead of remake story. I unsubscribe because your phase is very slow and you start the girls thing. I feel like that the whole new story will take a year... So I hope you should draw and finish story fast as much as you can. To be honest your drawing is better and better. So You do not have to redraw or remake the series. Just draw new series. If you can provide 2 new scene per week. I will subscribe. Otherwise it is very slow.