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New page added: P9 “Archer’s Disabled Rectum”


Spoiler Alert: May contain spoiler of the original story. Skip the text if you want to avoid that.


Archer: AHHHH….

Shinji: See that Tosaka? I can stick my fingers into Shirou's monstrous nipples. I can even feel them squeezing and throbbing. I cannot believe I'm touching something so disgusting. Tosaka, I am doing this for you!

Shirou, you're cumming so much even you have no balls. I thought you're a virtuous person. As your friend, I’m feeling ashamed.

Look Tosaka! Shirou is trying very hard to close his anus. But he seems to have a hard time accomplishing this task. What a loser!

Shinji! Stop!!! Stop doing that to Archer!


Disclaimer: I do no t claim ownership of the character(s) depicted in this artwork (fan art). This is solely for the enjoyment of the fans of the anime and no copyright infringement is intended.




Brilliant! The more Archer suffers, the happier I am, thank you! XD


What happened to Shirou ?? I need to see his fate !!! Still lovely picture 😊