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New Page added: Page added P21 “The Kids”



Narrative: The heightened body sensitivity and continuous orgasm are exerting huge burden on the body and mind of the hero. The fact that he could keep composed and manage to carry out seeming normal functionalities with his poisoned body defies all odds. He doesn't even notice that his body is being fundamentally changed and his nipples have started lactating. The hero of Tabaska has proven that he has all the quality needed to become a great hero. Ironically, he's only seen as an evil criminal who needed to be punished and destroyed in the most brutal way possible by the people he wants to protect.

Hero: It shouldn't take too long for it to regain consciousness.

Hero: keh... the effect of the poison is getting more intense... This is driving me crazy... Must concentrate...

Hero: must control myself and finish this before I lose control.

Crowd: Jeering…

Hero: huh?!




I almost finish drawing this chapter. The hero will endure something somewhat similar to what you've described. Though not exactly the same 😃


This is so good!! The hero will never hurt those kids, so he must endure whatever the kids do to him. For example, the kids start stimulating his sensitive body and try to force him to cum. However, the hero know that his semen is poisonous because of the drugs injected to his body. So he try his best enduring the merciless pleasure torture from the kids. At last, he reached his limit and failed to hold his cum. The fact that he submitted to his own pleasure and failed to protect the kids should be able to break his pride effectively!!!