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Image Upgrade: Page 32 “Punishment? For Real?”

Haired Version

Hair-Free Version


Caption: It's finally the end of another long and agonizing day for Kirito.

Day after day, he's routinely tortured both physically and mentally in SAO following his betrayal and subsequent defeat two years ago.

Man 1: The boss doesn't want your broken body anymore.

Kirito: So... you're gonna let me go now?

Man 2: Fat chance. You fucked up BIG TIME! The boss is gonna punish you for "REAL" this time!!

Kirito: For real? What d'you mean?

Man 1: Hey, get a grip! Quit pissin' yourself when we're talking to you!!

Scars on Kirito's chest: "Black (Nipples) Swordsman"


Disclaimer: I do no t claim ownership of the character(s) depicted in this artwork (fan art). This is solely for the enjoyment of the fans of the anime and no copyright infringement is intended.



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